major valleys but where moraines or landslides
channel to the northwest. Also occur in
blocked the valley. 5) Ponds formed in many un-
valley of South Fork Campbell Creek in
drained depressions on the uneven surface of
intermediate-level terrace; remnants higher
moraines or areas formerly occupied by glacio-
than deposits of main alluvial fan and low-
estuarine water. As the ponds filled, mainly with
er than deposits of main terrace. shu are
organic material, they became bogs that no longer
deposits modified by urbanization.
contained open water and are now sites of thick
peat accumulation.
The Klatt Road deposits are subdivided into
Kame-fan deposits. These are chiefly gravel and
deposits at the following three levels.
sand, well to poorly bedded and sorted, and may
include beds of fine sand, silt, clay, and diamicton.
Lower-level deposits--Occur mainly in
Thickness is probably several to a few tens of
terraces at levels higher than Spring Hill
meters. Contacts are fairly well defined, except
deposits and in channels graded thereto;
where they are commonly gradational with collu-
mapped also in a channel that probably
vium. Topography is generally smooth, with
carried water from North Fork Campbell
slopes being moderately gentle to moderate, and
Creek toward the southwest. kclu are
locally steep at ice-proximal margins.
deposits modified by urbanization.
Main-level deposits--Occupy major chan-
nel system extending southwestward
Deposits related to the Elmendorf Moraine
from South Fork Campbell Creek.
(late Pleistocene)--Occur at a few localities
kch Higher-level deposits--Occur in terrace
along the Chugach Mountain Front near
kchu remnants at levels higher than the main
Carol Creek.
channel and in shallow channels graded to
Deposits related to Dishno Pond moraines
those levels. kchu are deposits modified by
(late Pleistocene)--Occur commonly at two
levels along Chugach Mountain Front near
Ship Creek and north of Eagle River Valley,
Glaciolacustrine, lacustrine, and related deposits
and locally along south side of that valley
These deposits are subdivided into five types
near mouth of South Fork Valley. dkfu are
that accumulated in bodies of water ranging from
deposits modified by urbanization.
large lakes to small ponds. Some were closely
Deposits related to Fort Richardson
associated with glaciers, whereas others formed
moraines (late Pleistocene)--Occur near
after retreat of the glaciers: 1) Kame-fan deposits
mouths of all but the largest mountain val-
are transitional in origin between glacioalluvial
leys along Chugach Mountain Front from
and glaciolacustrine deposits. Like kame-terrace
Little Peters Creek southwestward to South
deposits, they were deposited along the margin of
Fork Campbell Creek, and at a few places
a glacier, but their (commonly) small source val-
along the sides of valleys of Little Peters
leys were generally perpendicular to and blocked
Creek, Eagle River, and its South Fork.
by the glacier. In part the blockage may have re-
Deposits related to Rabbit Creek moraines
sulted in small ice-dammed lakes, but many de-
(late Pleistocene)--Occur locally in valleys
posits seem to have more the character of deltas
of Eagle River and South Fork Campbell
or alluvial fans. This implies that lakes, if any,
were short-lived, and that drainage probably was
Deposits related to Little Rabbit Creek mor-
able to enter the glacier and form the extensive
aines (Pleistocene)--May be somewhat
kame fields associated with lateral moraines. 2)
more oxidized than younger deposits.
Glaciolacustrine deposits accumulated when
Occur prominently in Ship Creek and
more permanent lakes did form in commonly
Snowhawk Valleys, and in the two more
large valleys blocked by the glacier. The principal
northerly Wolverine Valleys where they
lakes thus formed in this map area, their names
extend up-valley to include outwash depos-
derived from the valleys in which they were
its; also found locally in Chester Creek Valley.
located, are glacial Lake Eagle (Schmoll et al., in
Deposits related to Ski Bowl moraines
press) and glacial Lake Ship, named here. 3) Del-
(Pleistocene)--Probably more oxidized
taic deposits formed locally where streams
than younger deposits. Occur prominently
entered such lakes. 4) Some deposits formed in
in Ship Creek and nearby Snowhawk Val-
lakes when glaciers were no longer present in
leys (the typical area) and locally near
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