DM i
+ M i∇ ⋅ V = 0 .
R = Rx i + Ry j
Since the ice mass per unit area, Mi, is determined by
the ice concentration and the ice layer thickness, one
Rx =
(σ xx Nti ) +
(σ xy Nti )
more conservation equation is needed. The equation of
conservation of ice area within an elemental area can
be obtained by considering the ice area flux into and
Ry =
(σ yy Nti ) +
(σ yx Nti )
out of the control area and mechanical redistribution.
in which, σxx, σyy = normal stress components, and
+ N∇ ⋅ V + Ra = 0
σxy = σyx = shear stress components. These stresses
in which Ra = rate of change of ice area attributable to
can be determined by the constitutive relationship.
mechanical redistribution.
Wind drag at the airice interface ( F a )
A Lagrangian discrete-parcel method (DPM) (Shen
and Chen 1992, Shen et al. 1993) is used to simulate
F a = (τax N ) i + (τay N ) j
the dynamics of the ice transport. The basic concept of
the discrete-parcel method is that the ice, considered as
τax = ρa ca | W | Wx
a continuum, can be represented by a sufficiently large
number of individual parcels. Each parcel has well-
τay = ρaca | W | Wy
defined properties, such as mass, concentration,
thickness, and velocity, and is deformable in shape. Ice
in which
properties at parcel locations or finite-element nodes
can be interpolated from the properties of parcels within
W = Wx i + Wy j = wind velocity at 10 m above
the close vicinity. The theoretical background
the water surface
underlying this method is the smoothed particle
ρ = density of air
hydrodynamics (SPH) developed by Lucy (1977) and
ca = wind drag coefficient.
Gingold and Monaghan (1977).
Unlike the original smoothed particle hydro-
Water drag at the icewater interface ( F w)
dynamics, the present discrete-parcel model deals with
ice movement in a bounded domain, such as a river or
F w = (τwx N ) i + ( τ wy N ) j
a lake. A natural boundary condition at a stationary
boundary is a partial-slip boundary condition with zero
normal ice flux. As an ice parcel moves along a solid
τ wx = -ρcw V w - V i (u - Vwx )
boundary, it is subjected to a frictional force. The
method of images is used in this model for such a
boundary condition.
This model applies a dynamic Mohr-Coulomb yield
τ wy = -ρcw V w - V i (v - Vwy )
criterion to calculate the boundary frictional force as
Ff = Fc + FN tan φ B
Gravitational force ascribable to the water
surface slope (G)
in which
G = Gx i + Gy j
Ff = frictional force between ice and the solid
Gx = - Mi g
Fc = ice cohesive force, assumed to be zero
FN = normal ice force against the boundary
Gy = - Mi g .
Constitutive law
The ice mass conservation equation is
In order to calculate the internal ice resistance, a
Mi v
constitutive law relating stresses with the motion of ice
is required. The most widely used constitutive law for
This equation can also be written as
ice dynamics is the viscousplastic law (Hibler 1979,