Raven Industries (Undated b) DURA-SKRIM.
Absorbent test
The absorbent provides an excellent way to
Flexible Films Department, Raven Industries,
"dry" silty gravelly sands and possibly silts. It
Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
works extremely well for light traffic and foot
Raven Industries (Undated c) RUFCO 2010B &
traffic. However, soils became friable and rutted
3010B. Flexible Films Department, Raven Indus-
under repeated truck traffic. The absorbents will
tries, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
not provide enough strength for these soils to be
Raven Industries (Undated d) RUFCO 610B &
used inside a MESL.
1010B. Flexible Films Department, Raven Indus-
tries, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Reef Industries, Inc. (1996a) Fab Tape Sales Spec-
ifications. Reef Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas.
The use of MESLs is not recommended for
Reef Industries, Inc. (1996b) Permalon Ply X-150.
Army engineer construction. The construction
Reef Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas.
procedure is not suitable for construction of lines
Reef Industries, Inc. (1996c) Permalon Ply X-210.
of communication (LOC) in the theater of opera-
Reef Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas.
tions. If a unit does feel that a MESL is an appro-
Reef Industries, Inc. (1996d) Permalon Ply
priate project, Appendix A recommends materi-
X-210G. Reef Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas.
als for constructing one.
Richardson, G.N. (1996) Field evaluation of geo-
Absorbents will not work for drying the en-
synthetic protection cushions. Geotechnical Fab-
capsulated soil for a MESL. However, the absor-
rics Report, March 1996, p. 2025.
bents worked extremely well for foot traffic and
Sale, J.P., F. Parker Jr., and W.R. Barker (1973)
light vehicular traffic and moderately well for
Membrane encapsulated soil layers. Journal of the
truck traffic when not used in conjunction with a
Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, Proceed-
ings of the American Society of Civil Engineers,
99(SM12): 10771089.
Schaefer, D. (1973) MESL road construction at
Fort Wainwright, Alaska. USA Cold Regions
Asphalt Institute (Undated) Asphalt Emulsion: A
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Technical
Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual. Manual Series No.
Note (unpublished).
19, Third Edition, Asphalt Institute, Asphalt
Smith, N. (1978) Techniques for using MESL
Emulsion Manufacturers Association.
(membrane encapsulated soil layers) in roads and
Eaton, R.A., and R.L. Berg (1980) New Hamp-
airfields in cold regions. In Proceedings of the Con-
shire field studies of membrane encapsulated soil
ference on Applied Techniques for Cold Environments,
layers with additives. U.S. Army Cold Regions
ASCE, May, p. 560570.
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Special
Smith, N. (1979) Construction and performance
Report 80-33.
of membrane encapsulated soil layers in Alaska.
Joseph, A.H., and S.L. Webster (1971) Techniques
USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering
for rapid road construction using membrane-
Laboratory, CRREL Report 79-16.
enveloped soil layers. U.S. Army Waterways
Smith, N., and J. Karalius (1973) Construction of
Experiment Station, Instruction Report S-71-1.
a MESL road test section at Elmendorf Air Force
Base, Anchorage, Alaska. USA Cold Regions
Joseph, A.H., R.D. Jackson, and S.L. Webster
(1973) Rapid road construction using membrane-
Research and Engineering Laboratory, Technical
enveloped soil layers. U.S. Army Waterways
Note (unpublished).
Experiment Station, Miscellaneous Paper S-73-5.
Stockhausen, Inc. (1997) Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) for AP 88, Stockhausen, Inc.,
Koerner, R.M., R.F. Wilson-Fahmy, and D.
Narejo (1996) Puncture protection of geomem-
Greensboro, North Carolina.
branes. Part III: Examples. Geosynthetics Interna-
Webster, S.L. (1974a) Construction of MESL dem-
tional, 3(5): 655671.
onstration road at Fort Hood, Texas, May 1972.
USA Waterways Experiment Station, Miscella-
Narejo, D., R.M. Koerner, and R.F. Wilson-Fahmy
(1996) Puncture protection of geomembranes.
neous Paper S-74-13.
Part II: Experimental. Geosynthetics International,
Webster, S.L. (1974b) Implementation package
3(5): 629653.
74-2: Users Manual for Membrane Encapsulated
Raven Industries (Undated a) Accessories. Flexi-
Pavement Sections (MEPS). USA Waterways
ble Films Department, Raven Industries, Sioux
Experiment Station. Prepared for Implementa-
Falls, South Dakota.
tion Division, Office of Development, Federal