These are the RUFCO 1010B, 2010B, and
manufacturer, its puncture and tear strengths far
3010B. They are 0.254, 0.51, and 0.76 mm (10,
exceed common 6-mil polyethylene and vinyl
films (Raven Industries undated d).
20, and 30 mil) thick, respectively, and are
The Reef Permalon Ply X-150 is 0.23 mm (9 mil)
similar to the 2010B described above.
thick. It is a high-density cross-laminate polyethyl-
The second type was the DURA-SKRIM 12
ene that resists punctures and tears (Reef Indus-
BBR, which is described above.
tries 1996b).
Reef Industries. The membranes tested were
Membrane seams. Two types of tapes were
the Permalon Ply X-210 and Ply X-210G. They
used: Poly Seal by Raven Industries, and Fab tape
are identical except that the Permalon Ply
by Reef Industries. Both are double-sided and
X-210G has a nonwoven needle-punched
come in 30-m (33-yd) rolls.
geotextile bonded to it, making it a composite
Poly Seal is a transparent, 51-mm- (2-in.-) wide
membrane. The Permalon Ply X-210 is a high-
rubber resin tape (Raven Industries undated a)
density, cross-laminated polyethylene that
that sticks extremely well to plastic. Once the tape
resists punctures and tears and is 0.51 mm (20
is on the plastic it cannot be removed without dam-
mil) thick (Reef Industries 1996c). The Perma-
age to itself. The tape is light and can be difficult to
lon Ply X-210G is 1 mm (40 mil) thick (Reef
place in windy conditions.
Industries 1996d).
Fab tape is a black, double-sided, reinforced as-
The geotextile used was Webtec, Inc.'s TerraTex
phaltic pressure-sensitive mastic, 38 mm (1.5-in.)
N08, described above.
wide (Reef Industries 1996a). It is heavier than the
Poly Seal and therefore easier to place. It can be
removed from the plastic for repositioning if
The absorbent used was AP 88, a sodium poly-
acrylate from Stockhausen, Inc. (Stockhausen
Upper membrane protection. The geotextile
1997). It can absorb approximately 325 times its
used was TerraTex N08, manufactured by Webtec,
weight in free water.* When mixed with soil, it
Inc. It is a nonwoven polypropylene fabric with a
absorbs significantly less. The amount of water
weight of 271 g/m2 (8 oz/yd2). This geotextile was
that it absorbs depends on the soil type and mois-
chosen because it was stocked and supplied local-
ture content. It will absorb the most water in a
ly. Similar fabrics from other manufacturers should
dirty sand, less in a silt, and the least in a clay. AP
perform equally well. This geotextile met or
88 is available in 22.7-kg (50-lb) bags.
exceeded the specifications in Construction with
MESL demonstration
textile Specification for General Army Engineer
Funding and availability of engineering troops
delayed onset of the demonstration, which even-
Wearing surface. Gravel for range road mainte-
tually took place at Fort Drum, New York, from 10
nance and construction from a stockpile at Fort
to 17 June 1997. The 365th Combat Heavy Engi-
Drum was used as the wearing surface. It was
neering Battalion from Pennsylvania agreed to
100% crushed, dense-graded, with a 51-mm (2-in.)
perform the construction as part of its annual
maximum particle size.
Encapsulated soil. The encapsulated soil was
These delays meant the demonstration would
lean clay (CL) stockpiled from a previous construc-
take place during warm weather instead of cold.
tion project.
This alternative was pursued on the assumption
Treating the encapsulated soil. Lime was added
that if the project was a success, any procedures
to the soil as a stabilizing agent in case the MESLs
that would be affected by the cold would be re-
were damaged during construction or planned
peated in coldrooms at CRREL.
testing. The lime was commercial-grade, granular
The test work took place in three locations (Fig.
quicklime that came in one-ton plastic supersacks.
2). The MESLs were constructed on Poagland
Road. The puncture test was conducted at the old
Puncture test and membrane protection materials
wash-rack site on Highway 26. Clay soil used in
Membranes. The following membrane manu-
the MESL came from Hoyt's Hill, about 30 minutes
facturers were used.
from Poagland Road.
Raven Industries. The membranes used can
be divided into two types. The first is a single-
* Personal communication, J.E. Mills, Stockhausen, Inc.,
layer membrane with some recycled plastic.
Greensboro, North Carolina, 1997.