Rapid Screening of Metals Using Portable High-Resolution X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometersINSTRUMENTATION - SR95_140008ANALYSIS - SR95_140009EXPERIMENTAL - SR95_140010Table 6. Detection limit estimates and intensity countsTable 8. Analysis of commercial reference materials from the Resource Technology CorporationFigure 2. Lead concentrations (g/g) established for spiked soils by both RF/CompTable 10. Concentrations (g/g) of Cr, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb determined for spiked soil matrices by response factorTable 11. Concentrations (g/g) of Co, Ni, Hg, Tl, and Se determined for spiked soil matrices by response factorTable 13. Concentrations (g/g) of Cr, Cu, Zn, As, and Pb determined by fundamental parameter analysis using the Spectrace 9000CONCLUSIONS - SR95_140017LITERATURE CITED - SR95_140018LITERATURE CITED-continue - SR95_140019Report Documentation Page - SR95_140020SR95_14