Figure 40. Layout of the hydraulic model.
the location of the bendway weirs. The laboratory experiments described below
were conducted to confirm that the bendway weirs would indeed increase the ice
conveyance capacity of the confluence, and thereby substantially reduce the like-
lihood of ice jamming. A concern associated with the bendway weirs is that they
do not aggravate ice passage in an unforeseen manner, such as creating other loca-
tions where ice might collect.
Confluence model
The layout of the hydraulic model of the confluence of the Missouri and Missis-
sippi Rivers is shown in Figure 40. The model replicated the confluence at a hori-
zontal scale of 1:500 and a vertical scale of 1:100. It was built on a large plywood
tray, 9.5 9.5 m in plan dimensions. Flow was recirculated through the model by
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