uous process. Both freezing and thawing can be
colloidal humic particles typically present in New
conducted simultaneously. Also, the freezing and
England waters. The specific resistance to filtra-
tion before and after freezethaw was 4.8 109 and
thawing process can be designed so that the heat
6.0 108 s2/g at 38.1 cm of Hg, respectively. This
removed during freezing can be used for thawing.
Therefore, the cost of thawing the sludge should be
provement in filterability due to freezethaw. Capil-
lary section time (CST) tests showed similar results.
CSTs before and after freezethaw were 32 and 6
seconds, respectively.
Studies were conducted on the two main com-
ponents of the freeze separator: the vacuum filter
Filter leaf tests
and the freezing chamber. The vacuum filter was
The purpose of this test is to determine the opti-
evaluated using the filter leaf test. The freezing
mum design criteria for the vacuum filter compo-
chamber was simulated by freezing layers of
nent of the freeze separator. These criteria are the
sludge in a coldroom.
type of filter cloth, vacuum level and filtration
The alum sludge used in this study was ob-
time. The filter leaf test apparatus was purchased
tained from the water treatment plant in Lebanon,
from Komline Sanderson Engineering Corpora-
New Hampshire. This plant has a design flow of
tion of Peapack, New Jersey. A filter leaf is essen-
15,000 m3/day. Treatment processes include rapid
tially a 0.1-ft2 (0.0093-m2) compartment of a vacu-
mixing, flocculation, sedimentation and sand fil-
um filter made of polypropylene. It resembles a
tration. Chemical additives include potassium per-
flattened funnel onto which a sample of the filter
manganate, alum, powdered activated carbon and
cloth is attached. The filter leaf is submerged in a
sodium bicarbonate. At present the sludge is dis-
container of sludge while a vacuum is applied at
charged to a lagoon where the solids are left to ac-
the other end. A schematic of a typical leaf test ap-
cumulate and the water is allowed to percolate into
paratus is shown in Figure 4.
the ground.
Each filter leaf test proceeded as follows. We se-
For these experiments, we took the settled
lected a filter cloth and attached it to the filter leaf
sludge from the sedimentation basins. We tried to
test apparatus. The filter leaf was immersed in a 6-L
collect the thickest portions in order to reduce the
container of alum sludge, which had a total solids
number of containers. The total solids content of
content ranging from 0.34% to 2.08%. The desired
this sludge was typically 1 to 2%. The sludge was
vacuum was applied to the leaf and maintained
then transported to CRREL and stored in a cold-
throughout the filtration period. To simulate the
room at 0C 2C.
circular motion of a filter cloth through a vat of
sludge, the filter leaf was gently agitated by manu-
The characteristics of alum sludge from the Leba-
ally moving it up and down. Upon completion of
non Water Treatment Plant were examined in a pre-
the filtration period, the filter leaf was removed
vious study (Martel 1988). This study found that
from the container and the sludge layer was al-
the Lebanon sludge had a specific gravity of 1.005
lowed to "form-up" by maintaining vacuum for
and a volatile solids content of 52% (of total solids).
another 30 seconds. The thickness of the layer was
This relatively high volatile solids content is due to
measured with a machinist's ruler, and the cloth was
removed from the filter leaf. The cloth and sludge
were then weighed to obtain the weight of wet cake.
The volume of filtrate was measured with a graduat-
ed cylinder and its turbidity was measured with a
To observe the effect of freezing, the cloth and
attached sludge layer were laid in an aluminum
1 Liter
6 Liter
Figure 4. Filter leaf test apparatus.