velocities over the upper 30 m were 1090 m s1 for
the P waves and 250 m s1 for the two S waves.
3.3. Environmental characterization
A number of meteorological parameters were
recorded continuously at the site of the seismic
and acoustic experiments. A Campbell Scientific
Inc. (CSI) Model 21X Micrologger was used to
collect the data (Fig. 13), which were recorded on
a cassette magnetic tape and written on a paper
tape. CSI Model 107 thermistors recorded the tem-
peratures in the ground, in the snow, and at heights
of 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 1.4 m above the snow. These
readings have an accuracy of 0.2C. A CSI Model
207 sensor provided the temperature and relative
humidity at a height of 2 m. The wind speed and
Slant Range (m)
direction at a height of 3 m was recorded by Met
One Model 014A and 024A sensors with an accu-
Figure 12. Radial shear (S) wave downhole travel time
racy of 2% and 5%, and a YSI Model 2014 barom-
analysis. A velocity of 180 m s1 down to 16 m, with 380
m s1 below that, is indicated by the least-squares line
eter provided the barometric pressure to within 1
mb. Readings from the 12 sensors were taken
every minute, and the average and standard
rameters. The Campbell micrologger is housed in the box at the center
of the tripod. At the top are the wind speed and direction sensors. The
radiation shield contains a thermistor and the relative humidity
sensor. Additional thermistors and a barometer are mounted on the
wooden post. A leadacid battery below the tripod provided the