Table 3.3. Charges assessed for delays.
Cause of delay
Charges and terms
Call for pilot with a subsequent cancellation
100% of pilot's charges due for the conduct
of his services
for which he was called
1 hour of delay of the pilot due to
20 rubles from domestic and US from
ambiguous information
foreign ships and Russian ships on foreign
Delay of the pilot for more than 2 hours but
50 Rubles from domestic and US from
no more than for one full day (24 hrs) due to
foreign ships and Russian ships on foreign
causes that are not insurmountable in nature
Same, but for more than one full day, per
100 rubles from domestic and US0
each subsequent day
from foreign ships and Russian ships on
foreign voyage
Note: No delay charges will be assessed for pilot's delay on the ship for more than 2 hours as part of a
piloting process itself that takes more than 2 hours.
3.3. STC (Ship Traffic Control) Service Charges
3.3.1. Charges for STC services are collected in ports which provide the services of shore-based radio
locator systems of traffic control. For ships of all groups except H and K the charges of STC services are
assessed upon each entrance into the port, exit from the port, passage through a transit canal according
to following rates (in rubles for ships in domestic navigation or U.S. dollars for foreign ships and ships
on foreign voyage):
In Russian ports of Black-Azov and Northern Basins .............. 0.0031 Rubles/ US
In ports of Nakhodka Bay ............................................................. 0.0102 Rubles/ US
In other ports ................................................................................... 0.0072 Rubles/ US
3.3.2. Ships in groups H and K are exempt from the STC service charges if they are not conducting
commercial cargo operations in the port.
3.3.3. Charges for foreign ships (under a foreign flag) for the services of Vladivostok's and Nakhodoka's
STC services are assessed at a rate of US
.025 per cubic meter upon each entrance and exit of the ship.
3.3.4. Depending on the type of STC system, the following coefficients will be applied to rates listed in
3.3.1. and 3.3.3.:
I .......... 1.4
II .......... 1.2
III .......... 1.0
3.4. Mooring Charges
3.4.1. The service of mooring help, mooring line work, cast-off, tie-off, and tie-over of ships of all groups,
except H and K, will be charged according to rates in Table 3.4.