Category III charges (servicing without cargo operations) include the cost of port services of receiving
the lighter container from the lighter carrier (line tug), towing to AB and back.
3.6.3. Charges for the services rendered by the on-duty (substitute) crew are assessed on the actual time
of service to the lighter carrier independent of the type of lighter container, starting from the moment of
receiving it from the carrier (sea or river line tug) to the moment of its transfer to the carrier (sea or river
line tug) according to the following rates for one lighter per day (counting partial day as a full day), in
rubles, from ships on domestic voyage or in U.S. dollars from foreign ships and ships on foreign voyage:
For the ports of Black-Azov and Baltic Basin
10 Rubles/US
For the ports of Northern and Far Eastern Basins:
during summer navigation:
12 Rubles/US.60
during winter inter-navigation period
6 Rubles/US.80
3.6.4. The responsibilities of the on-duty (substitute) crew include:
24-hour reception and return of lighters, equipment, seals, deck cargo, and cargo and ship documents
pertaining to the cargo transfer operations;
Providing security for the safety and wholeness of the lighter, including the turning on (off) of signal
Installation of light ladders, gangways, portable handrails, and the catching and transfer of lines during
the movement of the lighter;
Control over the process of loading and unloading of the lighter, over the full use of the capacity and lift
limits, correct arrangement of the cargo, and appropriate separation of bill-of-lading parts of the cargo;
Control over the presence and safety of seals, the making of requests for opening and inspection of the
contents of the lighter in case of the violation of seals and the discovery of means of access to the load;
Control over the heave and pitch of the lighter, the measuring of water level in bilgeways no less than
twice each day, the making of requests to the port for water pumping and ventilation of the lighter;
Control over the technical condition of the hull, equipment and mechanisms, including the mooring and
anchor devices;
Participation, in conjunction with a representative of the port and an agent, in dealing with accidents, the
composition of certificates of damages to the hull, equipment, and mechanisms; the making of requests
for lighter repair, control over the process of repair;
Preparation of the lighter for voyage, receiving of supplies and lubricating and other materials necessary
for proper operation of the lighter's mechanisms and devices.
3.6.5. Services not included into the combined charges and the duties of on-duty crew are paid
according to local tariffs or by agreement between the ship owner and the port.
3.7. Charges for Fire Protection
3.7.1. Fire protection by the shore security service onboard the ship or near its side during the entire
time of its berthing will be charged at 5 rubles per hour for ships on domestic voyage, or US per hour
for foreign ships or ships on foreign voyage. This charge is assessed when fire protection onboard or
near the side of the ship is required by port regulations.