(1391), Sakhalin (2153.8), Kamchatka (2163.8), and Arctic shipping companies while in domestic naviga-
tion will pay port charges and service fees according to the rates of the given Time Belt in rubles, using
the limit coefficient effective at the time of services rendered with respect to custom rates of the
appropriate shipping company.
Ships belonging to other Russian ship owners in domestic navigation will pay port charges and service
fees using the limiting coefficient of the port collecting the payment.
1.12. Russian-flag ships in foreign navigation, and foreign ships (under foreign flag) will pay charges
and service fees based on rates in U.S. dollars. In doing so, the Russian-flag shipswill make the payment
in rubles by converting U.S. dollars into rubles according to the conversion rates set by the Central Bank
of Russia as of the date of invoice submitted before the exit of the ship from port.
1.13. The currency for the payment of charges and fees for services rendered to ships of the CIS is set by
agreement with respective countries.
2.1. Ship Charges
2.1.1. Charges for ships of groups A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and L are calculated on the basis of rates given in
Table 2.1, separately for each entrance into and exit from a port.
Ships in groups H, I, J, K are exempt from charges if they do not conduct commercial cargo operations in
the port.
2.1.2. Charges collected from ships under the Russian flag in foreign navigation, and from ships flying
flags of other countries with which Russia does not have an agreement granting their ships a national
rate or a favored-nation rate, will be calculated according to "Foreign Navigation" rate.
Charges collected from foreign ships navigating under the flag of countries with which Russia does not
have agreements described in the paragraph above, will be calculated according to "Regular" rate.
Charges collected from Russian ships in domestic navigation will be calculated according to "Domestic
Navigation" rates.
2.1.3. For ships in groups A, B, F, and G which load or unload in several ports within Russia as part of
one run, the ship charges are collected at 100% in the first port of call and with a 50% discount in the
subsequent ports.
2.1.4. Ships in group A will be given a 20% discount.
2.1.5. Ships in groups C and E will be charged once during a calendar year in each port of call -- on the
first entrance into and first exit from the port, unless agreed upon otherwise.
2.1.6. Ships in group D will be charged at 100% in the first port of call and at a discount of 50% in
subsequent ports upon first entry into Russian ports and exit from them, once during a calendar year,
unless agreed upon otherwise.