1.2. Mandatory charges, as well as charges for all services rendered to the ship and its crew, must be paid
by the ship before leaving port. The captain of the port may refuse the ship a permission to leave port in
case of non-payment of the established charges and fees.
1.3. Charges and fees are calculated on the basis of a conditional volume of the ship, in cubic meters,
defined as a product of three dimensions specified in the ship's documents: maximum length, maximum
breadth, and maximum depth.
For ships that transport cargo on the upper deck, or those with two or more decks, the depth used in the
calculation of volume will not be less than half of the breadth. The volume of barge-tug trains, caravans,
and other compounded floating objects is defined as the sum of volumes of the individual components.
1.4. In addition to rates indicated in this Regulation for the cost of work and services rendered to the
anchored ships, a charge for the services of tugs and boats will be assessed on the basis of effective rates
charged by the port.
1.5. Charges from lighter carriers which are conducting cargo operations on the internal or external
roadstead, are assessed on the volume of the lighters unloaded upon entry into, and loaded before exit
from the port.
1.6. The rates for piloting and mooring fees, tug service fees during mooring, fees for the use of tugs and
other self-propelled and non-self-propelled water vehicles, as well as fees for additional services ren-
dered to ships by agents and agencies, except for supervisors' services, will be increased:
on weekdays
from 16:00 to 24:00, from 00:00 to 08:00
-- by 25%
on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays
from 08:00 to 16:00
-- by 50%
from 16:00 to 24:00, from 00:00 to 08:00
-- by 100%
Holidays are defined as official holidays of the Russian Federation.
The above surcharges apply only to that portion of services which are actually performed during the
overtime hours above.
The invoices presented to the ship owners will contain an obligatory detailed itemization of the cost of
services rendered and the rates, applicable surcharges, and a calculation of time billed, both regular and
1.7. If several surcharges apply to a ship, each will be assessed on the base cost.
1.8. If several discounts apply to a ship, only the largest one will be applied.
1.9. In calculating the charges and fees, time will be rounded to the nearest 0.5 hours. Duration's less
than 30 min. long will be assessed as 30 min.; those that are over 30 min. will be assessed as 1 hour.
1.10. The monetary unit of fees is ruble or U.S. dollar, equal to 100 cents (US
.00 = 100).
1.11. The ships of the Northern (1190), Murmansk (1190), North-Kaspian, Far-Eastern (1545.6), Primorsk