Surface Climate and SnowWeather Relationships of the Kuparuk Basin on Alaska's Arctic SlopeCONTENTS - TR02-100005INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUNDINTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND - continued - TR02-100008INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND - continued - TR02-100009INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND - continued - TR02-100010SITE DESCRIPTIONSSITE DESCRIPTIONS - continuedMETEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTATIONMETEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTATION - continuedRESULTS - TR02-100015TemperaturesFigure 4. Monthly mean temperatures for the five-year period for each of the sitesFigure 5. Eleven-day running averages of maximum and minimum daily temperatures, and diurnal temperature range for the four seasonal periodsTable 2. Record maximum and minimum temperatures and mean temperature for each month and site for the period of record. The day of month and the year when the temperature occurred are also givenTable 2. Record maximum and minimum temperatures and mean temperature for each month and site for the period of record. The day of month and the year when the temperature occurred are also given - continuedTable 3. Mean, earliest, and latest dates at each site for the occurrence of temperatures less han 0, 3.0, and 6.0C lasting for at least six consecutive hoursDeep Cold - TR02-100022WindsWinds - continuedTable 4. Monthly mean and record maximum wind speeds for each monthTable 4. Monthly mean and record maximum wind speeds for each month - continuedFigure 6. Eleven-day running averages of daily mean wind speed (m s1) , average maximum wind speed (m s1), and dispersion (standard deviation normalized by mean) for each day for the four seasonal periodsFigure 7. Seasonal wind rose diagrams for the five sites and for Prudhoe Bay using three threshold minimum velocitiesFigure 7. Seasonal wind rose diagrams for the five sites and for Prudhoe Bay using three threshold minimum velocities - continued - TR02-100029Figure 7. Seasonal wind rose diagrams for the five sites and for Prudhoe Bay using three threshold minimum velocities - continued - TR02-100030Deep Cold - TR02-100031Late ColdSNOW COVERSNOW COVER - continued - TR02-100034SNOW COVER - continued - TR02-100035Figure 10. Snow stratigraphy from the Kuparuk Basin for the winters of 1994-95 through 1997-98, showing similar sequences of layers at the same site.DISCUSSION - TR02-100037DISCUSSION - continued - TR02-100038Figure 12. Daily mean temperatures at SAG for all five years ofrecord during the latter half of EC, showing warming/thawing events (note the 0C isotherm)Figure 13. Synoptic conditions for 12 UTC, 8 Nov. 1997. Data were derived from the initial analyses of the U.S. National Meteorological Center (NMC) ETA numerical forecast modelDISCUSSION - continued - TR02-100041SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS - TR02-100042SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS - continued - TR02-100043LITERATURE CITED - TR02-100044LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR02-100045LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR02-100046LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR02-100047LITERATURE CITED - continued - TR02-100048REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - TR02-100049TR02-10