Surface Climate and SnowWeather Relationships of the Kuparuk Basin
Figure 6. Eleven-day running averages of daily mean wind speed (m s1) , average maximum
wind speed (m s1), and dispersion (standard deviation normalized by mean) for each day for
the four seasonal periods.
suggesting that this coastal location consistently has sustained winds in the
neighborhood of 5 m s1. (Note that the dispersion is a measure of the variability
of wind speed for all hours and years for a given day. This is a useful measure of
variability for this study, but it is not an adequate measure of gustiness.) The
wind rose diagrams (Fig. 7) show a bimodal distribution of wind direction, with
almost equal likelihood of wind from the NE and SW. Prudhoe Bay (PRU),
closer to the coast, shows a more even distribution of winds. BET is the only site
indicating winds exceeding 4.5 m s1 over 50% of the time, with the strong pref-
erence to NE and SW directions holding there as well. FRA shows a wind direc-
tion distribution similar to that of BET, which is not surprising considering that
both are located on the coastal plain. BET and FRA show a large bias for strong
winds from the E and NE.