Surface Climate and SnowWeather Relationships of the Kuparuk Basin
Campbell Scientific CR10X dataloggers were used to record and process
data at all sites. Sensors were sampled once per minute and averaged hourly.
Data recorded on the dataloggers were compared to measured conditions to
check the sensor calibrations and the datalogger during site visits. A 10-m mete-
orological tower was used to mount the air temperature, relative humidity, wind
speed, and wind direction sensors (Fig. 2). Radiation sensors were mounted on a
separate tower designed to suspend these sensors over the tundra and minimize
Wind speed was measured using Met-One model 014A anemometers at 1-, 3-,
and 10-m heights. The threshold velocity of this instrument is rated at 0.45 m s1,
Figure 2. Typical meteorological tower used in this