Figure 23. Ground water level at RRTSL as monitored by E&E (1996). (Contours in feet,
as originally measured. To convert to meters, multiply by 0.3048.)
Operable Unit B
A second group of source areas in the canton-
The Poleline Road investigation report (ESE
ment lies near the central portion of the Mountain
1991, OHM 1994) shows divergent flow below
View fan deposits, including Buildings 45-590,
this contaminant site (Fig. 24). The area west of
955, 726, 700/718, 704, and 796. The ground water
Poleline Road appears to experience south
flow at Building 955 is similar to that described
southwesterly flow, with an increasingly easterly
for the POLLDW of OU A. At Building 796,
component further to the east. A plume generated
located northeast of most of this group, ground
in this area would likely spread out along the
water is encountered at about 30 m bgs. Ground
flow lines.
water flow ranges from northerly to northwest-
erly (Fig. 15ac). This variability would produce a
Operable Unit C
broad plume if pollutants were to migrate to this
Only limited, very shallow ground water data
deep level. The remainder of the group (Build-
are available for ERF (Racine and Cate 1995). The
ings 45-590, 726, 700/718, and 704) are relatively
contaminant being investigated is elemental
close together in an area where the water table is
white phosphorus, which is restricted to the sur-
encountered at about 33 m below the surface. The
face and near-surface environment. It is relatively
ground water flow lines in this area trend fairly
insoluble and transport appears limited to surfi-
consistently to the northwest, which would pro-
cial drainageways and the Eagle River (Lawson
duce a plume with limited lateral dispersal.
et al. 1996a,b).
The third group of OU D sources lies at the
northern edge of the Mountain View fan in the
Operable Unit D
landfill area (Landfill Grease Pits, Landfill
The numerous OU D sources can be separated
Former Fire Training Area). These sites are close
into three general clusters as shown on Figure 21.
to the southern edge of the Elmendorf Moraine
To the south, the Stormwater Outfall and Build-
and the underlying materials should include an
ing 35-752 overlie deposits of the Ship Creek
interfingering of moraine- and fan-related depos-
drainage. Along this section of Ship Creek,
its. The ground water surface in this region was
stream waters recharge the aquifer system and
encountered at a depth of 46 m. These sites are at
the perimeter of the region contoured by the
the water table is very shallow (approximately 5
m bgs near Building 35-732). Ground water flow
USACE (1996b) ground water study, where
lines at these sites trend from westnorthwest to
values. The flow directions shown range from
to contents