An alternative model is supported by recent
Alaska. Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey,
ground water data (USACE 1996b). Ground
Water-Resources Investigations 77-38.
water flow below the southern portion of the can-
Barnwell, W .W ., R.S. George, L.L. Dearborn,
J.B. Weeks, and C. Zenone (1972) Water for
tonment area agrees with that of Freethy (1976),
Anchorage: An atlas of the water resources of the
and the elevation of the potentiometric surface
Anchorage area, Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska: City
agrees with that of Cederstrom et al. (1964). How-
of Anchorage.
ever, ground water measurements below Ammu-
Bloom, A.L. (1960) Late Pleistocene Changes in Sea
nition Area A (AP-3471 and AP-3472) imply
Level in Southwestern Maine. Maine Geological
northwesterly flow here, with a limited amount
Survey, Augusta.
of westerly divergence further to the south. These
Boulton, G.S. (1968) Flow tills and some related
data would suggest that the confining layer
deposits on some Vestspitsbergen glaciers. Jour-
projects beneath the Elmendorf Moraine. If this is
nal of Glaciology, 7: 391412.
true, then northwesterly flow of ground water
Boulton, G.S. (1970) On the deposition of subgla-
cial and melt-out tills at the margin of certain
D underneath the Elmendorf Moraine and to the
Svalbard glaciers. Journal of Glaciology, 9: 231245.
north and west.
Boulton, G.S. (1971) Till genesis and fabric in
The differences between these two models tell
Svalbard, Spitsbergen. In Till: A Symposium (R.P.
us that it is critical to determine whether or not
Goldthwait, Ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State
the Elmendorf Moraine is a flow boundary. Both
University Press, p. 4172.
models are based on limited data that are mostly
Boulton, G.S. (1972) The role of thermal regime
marginal to the cantonment. Freethy (1976)
in glacial sedimentation. In Polar Geomorphology
looked at the entire Anchorage Lowland, with
(R.J. Price and D.E. Sugden, Ed.). London, Eng-
Fort Richardson at the northern limit of his analy-
land: Institute of British Geographers, Special
sis. The USACE (1996b) had 13 wells to define the
Publication 4, p. 119.
confining aquifer, but these were located mainly
Boulton, G.S. (1975) Processes and patterns of
in the southern part of the cantonment. To resolve
subglacial sedimentation: A theoretical approach.
these questions, further studies are needed and
In Ice Ages: Ancient and Modern (A.E. Wright and
additional measurements of ground water,
F. Moseley, Ed.). Liverpool, England: Geological
including new wells, are required to improve our
Journal, Special Issue 6, Seel House Press, p. 4172.
overall understanding of ground water flow
Boulton, G.S., and N. Eyles (1979) Sedimentation
below the Fort Richardson cantonment. The con-
by valley glaciers: A model and genetic classifica-
fining layer needs to be defined to determine if it
tion. In Moraines and Varves: Origin/Genesis/Classi-
is part of the Bootlegger Cove Formation, and
fication (C. Schlchter, Ed.). Rotterdam: Balkema,
therefore restricted by elevation (or paleobathy-
p. 1123.
metry), or an extension of the Dishno Pond
Brabets, T.P. (1996) Evaluation of the streamflow-
moraine. To evaluate potential contaminant
gaging network of Alaska in providing regional
transport pathways, it is critical to determine if
streamflow information. Anchorage, Alaska: U.S.
the sand and gravel of the confined aquifer
Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investiga-
projects under the Elmendorf Moraine, thereby
tions Report 96-4001.
being a northwesterly path to Knik Arm. By
Calderwood, K.W., and W.C. Fackler (1972) Pro-
addressing these questions, we will be better able
posed stratigraphic nomenclature for Kenai Group,
Cook Inlet basin, Alaska. American Association of
attempting a quantitative ground water flow
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 56(4): 739754.
Cederstrom, D.J., F.W. Trainer, and R.M. Waller
(1964) Geology and ground-water resources of
the Anchorage Area, Alaska. Washington, DC:
U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper
American Geological Institute (1989) Data
sheets, third edition. Data sheet 29.1. Grain-size
scales used by American geologists, modified
geologic map of the Chugach Mountains near
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Anchorage, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Mis-
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cellaneous Field Studies Map MF-350, scale
Anderson, G.S. (1977) Artificial recharge experi-
ments on the Ship Creek alluvial fan, Anchorage,
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