y = 0.0339x +21.0
r = 0.799
Total Sampling Time (min)
Figure 8. Continuous sampling of headspace vapor above moist Raritan Arsenal
soil for TNT by alternating two polyacrylate SPME fibers at 20-minute intervals
at 23C.
with a soil from Raritan Arsenal that was field
volume sampled (mL) = mass collected (g)
contaminated with a low concentration of TNT
vapor concentration (g/mL).
(about 1.4 mg/kg). A 3.02-g portion of the soil
was moistened with water (5% water, on a dry
weight basis) and allowed to equilibrate for 3
Because the vapor pressure of TNT is low and
days in a 40-mL amber vial. The headspace in the
TNT is known to be very sorptive to surfaces, try-
ing to establish a known vapor concentration by
vial was then sampled continuously for 200 min-
injection of a given mass of TNT into a known
utes using two polyacrylate fibers as described
volume of air is impractical. On the other hand,
above. The results are shown in Figure 8. Using
the vapor pressure of TNT as a function of tem-
the best fit linear equation, we find that the mass
perature has been measured by a number of
collected in the first 20 minutes was 20.4 pg, while
investigators (Pella 1977, Leggett et al. 1977, etc.).
the mass recovered in the second 20-minute sam-
Results from the various investigators vary some-
pling period was 19.8 pg. The reduction from the
what, but we believe the values published by Pella
first to the second sampling periods amounts to
(1977) are the most reliable. Pella used a liquid
only about 3% and, hence, the assumption that
the vapor concentration is constant over the sam-
pling period when the TNT is sorbed on soil par-
known volume of gas, minimizing sorption
ticles is valid.
effects, and reducing the problem to a chromato-
These results demonstrate that the approach of
graphic analysis against standard solutions in the
sampling the headspace using SPME fibers does
same matrix. This type of experiment should be
accurate and precise to a few percent.
not substantially reduce the vapor concentration
The vapor pressure of TNT (p) at 23C accord-
of TNT during a 20-minute exposure period.
ing to Pella is 6.71 106 torr ([log10 (p in torr) =
Since the mass of TNT collected with time is lin-
(12.31 0.34) (5175 105) T, where T is the abso-
ear, probably controlled by the diffusion rate of
lute temperature in kelvins]). This converts to a
TNT away from the surface of the fiber, it may be
vapor concentration of 8.25 108 g/L. When we
possible to calibrate the volume of vapor sampled
exposed a polyacrylate SPME fiber to the equilib-
as a function of exposure time for a given chemi-
rium vapor above military-grade TNT (Picatinny
cal. One way this could be done is to sample a
Arsenal, 1966 vintage) and determined the mass
headspace volume where the concentration of
of TNT sorbed by the fiber using GC-ECD in a
TNT in the vapor was known, and from mass cal-
20-minute exposure period, we collected 3.8 109
ibration of the TNT collected, the volume sam-
g of TNT. Computing the volume sampled from
pled as a function of time can be calculated from
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