INTRODUCTION - SR99_210007EXPERIMENTAL METHODS - SR99_210008Design of experimentSoil sample collection, solvent extraction, and analysis using RP-HPLCRESULTS AND DISCUSSION - SR99_210011Figure 3. Vapor signature of 1966 military-grade TNT.Figure 5. Vapor signature above low-moisture sand held at 12C for 36 days.Figure 6. Mass of TNT vapor collected on polyacrylate SPME fiber at different temperatures.Figure 7. Continuous sampling of TNT vapor by alternating two polyacrylate SPME fibers at 20-minute intervals.Figure 8. Continuous sampling of headspace vapor above moist Raritan Arsenal soil for TNT by alternating two polyacrylate SPME fibers at 20-minute intervals at 23C.Figure 9. Mass of 2,4-DNT vapor sorbed on a polyacrylate SPME fiber at 23C.Figure 10. Mass of 2,6-DNT vapor sorbed on a polyacrylate SPME fiber at 23C.Vapor concentrations of signature chemicals in soil headspace samplesTable 8. Mean analyte concentrations (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above sand containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at three temperatures and three moisture levels.Table 9. Mean analyte concentrations (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above silt containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at three temperatures and three moisture levels.Table 10. Mean analyte concentrations (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above clay containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at three temperatures and three moisture levels.Figure 12. Concentration of analytes in the headspace vapor above 5.8% moist silt containing buried TNT at 23C.Table 11. Analyte concentration (mg/kg) in the surface of test soils after 63, 112, or 173 days.Table 11. Analyte concentration (mg/kg) in the surface of test soils after 63, 112, or 173 days. - continuedSoilair partition coefficientsLITERATURE CITED - SR99_210027APPENDIX A: DATA - SR99_210029Table A2. Analyte mass collected (pg/min) in headspace vapor above sand containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 4C, and three moisture levels.Table A3. Analyte mass collected (pg/min) in headspace vapor above sand containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 12C, and three moisture levels.Table A4. Analyte mass collected (pg/min) in headspace vapor above silt containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 23C, and three moisture levels.Table A5. Analyte mass collected (pg/min) in headspace vapor above silt containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 4C, andthree moisture levels.Table A6. Analyte mass collected (pg/min) in headspace vapor above silt containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 12C, and three moisture levels.Table A7. Analyte mass collected (pg/min) in headspace vapor above clay containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 23C, and three moisture levels.Table A8. Analyte mass collected (pg/min) in headspace vapor above clay containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 4C, and three moisture levels.Table A9. Analyte mass (pg/min) collected in headspace vapor above clay containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 12C, and three moisture levels.Table A10. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above sand containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 23C, and three moisture levels.Table A11. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above sand containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 4C, and three moisture levels.Table A12. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above sand containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 12C, and three moisture levels.Table A13. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above silt containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 23C, and three moisture levels.Table A14. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above silt containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 4C, and three moisture levels.Table A15. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above silt containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 12C, and three moisture levels.Table A16. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above clay containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 23C, and three moisture levels.Table A17. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above clay containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 4C, and three moisture levels.Table A18. Analyte concentration (pg/mL) in headspace vapor above clay containing buried U.S. military-grade TNT, at 12C, and three moisture levels.REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - SR99_210047 ABSTRACT (cont'd)SR99_21