Test site description
moisture-density meter. Relative compaction
exceeding 95% of the maximum dry unit weight
Clay and sand bentonite test pads
(measured by ASTM D698 procedures) was
Figure 1 shows the layout of the test site. Two
attained on each test pad. The water content was
test pads having thicknesses of 2 ft (0.6 m) (PV-2
2 to 5% of optimum wetness.
and VT-5), and two test pads of 3-ft (1-m) thick-
Thicknesses of the test pads and the cover ma-
ness (PV-3 and VT-4) were constructed for each of
terials were varied to model different conditions
the natural clays. One test pad having a 2-ft thick-
and to permit partial or full penetration of frost.
ness was constructed using the sandbentonite
The 2-ft- (0.6-m-) thick test pads (SB-1, PV-2, and
VT-5) were covered with a layer of 0.5-mil.- (0.13-
The clay and sandbentonite test pads were 30
70 ft (9 21 m) to allow the compaction equip-
mm-) thick polyethylene and 4 in. (10 cm) of sand
to minimize desiccation. The 3-ft- (1-m-) thick
ment to achieve normal operating speed. This
Parkview test pad (PV-3) was covered with
size was also selected because it reduced the
needle-punched nonwoven geotextile and a 141-
chance that specimens to be collected would be
in.- (3.5-m-) thick gravel layer to model a typical
affected by edge effects. Construction was com-
clay linerleachate collection system used in Wis-
pleted in October 1992. The test pads were moni-
consin. The 3-ft- (1-m-) thick Valley Trail test pad
tored until being removed in July 1994.
was covered with a 1-ft- (0.3-m-) thick layer of
A layer of HDPE geomembrane was placed
well-graded sand without a geosynthetic layer.
over the subgrade (2% slope) and then covered
with a geocomposite drain (nonwoven geotextile
Field test-pad permeameters
on each side of a geonet). The geomembrane and
Rigid-wall, in-situ field permeameters were
geocomposite drain were used in the test pad per-
designed and installed in test pads SB-1, PV-2,
meameters. The HDPE also prevented water from
and PV-3 immediately after the pads were con-
migrating up into the test pads, and the drain
structed in 1992. The permeameters were de-
allowed construction water and seepage to drain
away from the bottom of the clay layer.
in the full liner section after freezethaw. A key
The natural clays were placed in 6-in.- (15-cm-)
design element was that the testing should not
thick loose lifts spread with a Caterpillar D3 bull-
disturb the soil structure created by the freezing
dozer and compacted with a Caterpillar 825
and thawing process.
tamping foot compactor. The compactor pad feet
Figure 2 shows a section of the field per-
were 6 in. long, which allowed them to fully pene-
meameters. Construction consisted of carving
trate the loose lift onto the previously compacted
soil away to leave an undisturbed 4- 4-ft (1.3-
lift. This resulted in uniform compaction of the
1.3-m) block of clay or sandbentonite. An HDPE
loose lift. The sandbentonite was compacted
box, open at top and bottom, was placed around
with a vibrating compactor having a steel smooth
the block of clay, then seamed at the bottom to the
wheel. Unit weight was measured with a nuclear
2.5 cm Diameter
Riser Pipe
4 cm Minus
Vent Pipe
Sand Cover
80 mil
6 mil PE
12 cm
Vapor Barrier
10 cm
Compacted Clay Backfill
Clay or
Bentonite Grout
Test Pad
0.6 cm HDPE Plate
20 cm
40 mil HDPE Liner
Collection Sump
Figure 2. Details of the field permeameters in the test pads.