Snow and Ice Control
17. The conveyor and spinner are controlled by the switch on the cab-
mounted control panel. The engine may be run continuously or started as needed
by the operator using the same control panel.
Note: For proper internal engine lubrication, always operate the spreader
engine at full throttle (between 3400 and 3600 RPM). DO NOT idle the engine
for extended periods of time. (Engine speed is controlled by the standard throttle
cable or the optional electrical throttle control on the cab-mounted control panel.)
18. The higher the feedgate is positioned (4 inches maximum), the greater the
amount of sand, salt, or sandsalt mixture will be deposited on the spinner. The
feedgate is controlled manually from the rear of the spreader.
19. Some rules of thumb for feedgate settings:
a) For absolutely dry sand, a gate opening of 1/2-inch or less is
b) For normal damp sand, or sand that has 10 percent salt, the gate can
be opened 1 to 2 inches. Using the standard opening of 1 1/2 inches is a common
practice for damp or wet sand.
c) For dry salt alone, 1/2 to 1 inch is usually adequate.
d) Salt alone will go farther than sand alone. Mixtures of salt and sand
are not generally recommended because they are difficult to mix effectively.
e) A 10-percent mixture may help to prevent damp sand from freezing.
However, sand that goes through the grate/screen generally will go through the
gate and spread adequately.
20. Adjustable external and internal deflectors for complete control of
direction of the spread pattern are on each unit. The width of the spread pattern
can be from 4 feet to 32 feet.
21. The recommended speed for sanding operations is 10 to 15 mph. Never
exceed 20 mph. The slower the ground speed, the more sand, salt, or sandsalt
can be applied; checking the gate opening to reduce waste is important.
22. Prior to any spreader operations, check the spreader and the spreader
engine to ensure good working order. Do not overfill the spreader engine with
oil. Measure the oil accurately.
a) Look for damaged or missing parts and repair or replace as
b) Retighten loose set screws and cap screws, as necessary.