Snow and Ice Control
e) You will need to "" DECREASE throttle switch slightly to release
engine from choke position.
Note: Look at engine RPM reading when possible to see that you have
achieved full throttle settings (3400 to 3600 RPM).
Engine lubrication is a splash type. Engine should be run at full throttle
for longer life. Do not run for more than 23 minutes at slower speed.
f) You are now ready to spread. Turn the clutch switch to "On"position
and material will instantly be supplied for spreading. Turn to "Off"position and
spreading will stop but engine will keep running.
g) To turn off engine and spreader, place clutch switch to "Off"
position, throttle down, and turn ignition switch off.
h) Mode button on the console provides the following features. By
pushing mode button in and releasing quickly, you can advance to three different
functions of console. Note: This feature is not on consoles provided after 2000.
(1) RPM: Engine RPMs
(2) Job Time: Hours and minutes for reading time on current job. To
reset hours to "0" for next job, hold mode button in for seven seconds under job
time setting.
(3) TOT Time: Total Engine Operating Time. This mode is helpful to
set up a maintenance program, based on total engine hours and minutes. Total
time cannot be reset.
27. Spreader lubrication instructions
a. Proper lubrication is a prime factor in the performance and life of a
spreader. Exercise special care in the selection of lubricants and keep them free
of foreign matter. Lube applicators should be clean and all fittings, caps, and
plugs should be cleaned before lubrication or before opening for any reason.
b. Bearings: Grease all bearings periodically. Relubricate bearings daily
or at regular intervals to ensure grease is available to bearings. Grease should be
pumped in slowly until a slight bead shows up around the seals. A grease with a
high-temperature melting point, above 250F, and a low cold test of 30F is
c. Conveyor gearcase: Check oil level by removing oil level plug. If
low, remove filler plug and add oil only until it runs out of the level hole. Do not