Snow and Ice Control
Salt and sand spreaders have been used for more than 60 years. The
Henderson Manufacturing Company of Manchester, Iowa, has been making
numerous models of salt and sand spreaders for more than 50 years and has
produced more than 60,000 spreaders.
The U.S. Army has more than 30 model FS-P spreaders, all of which are in
the 6-foot, 8-foot, or 10-foot sizes. The 6-foot spreader has a maximum capacity
of 2 cubic yards (1.3 cubic yards), the 8-foot spreader has a maximum capacity of
3 cubic yards (1.7 cubic yards), and the 10-foot spreader has a maximum capa-
city of 3.8 cubic yards (2.4 cubic yards). The maximum capacity shown is with
12-inch extensions on the hopper; the figures in parentheses indicate capacity
without extensions.
The 6-foot spreader is used on the HMMWV, and the 8-foot and 10-foot
spreaders are used on the 5-ton truck. Initially, only the 8-foot spreaders were
Designed to meet the ice control needs of cities and towns as well as in-
dependent operators, the model FS-P is a quick-mounting utility and service
spreader, capable of providing fast, efficient service, including spot and cleanup
work for bridges, intersections, steep grades, industrial areas, parking lots and
staging areas, as well as streets and highways. It has a completely self-contained
and self-powered 8.5 hp, 4-cycle air-cooled engine that is controlled from the
cab. The material being spread is metered for accuracy and economy of spread.
The material is spread by a 12-inch-diameter spinner fed by a 14-inch-wide
chain conveyor. The 4-inch 8-inch 12-gauge feedgate is lever-operated with
side-mounted rules for accurate spreading control. It is recommended that sand or
salt be spread with the gate opened one inch with the vehicle speed not to exceed
12 mph. If conducting snowplowing operations at the same time, vehicle speed
cannot exceed 10 mph. This will apply approximately 100 pounds of salt per lane
mile (100 lb/ln-mi).
The 14-inch-wide, all steel, riveted pintle chain conveyor belt has 1/4- 3/4-
inch crossbars spaced five inches apart. Chain tensile strength is 11,000 pounds
per strand. The top grate screen is a one-piece metal screen with an angle iron
frame. This grate must be in place at all times because it keeps larger, unwanted
material out of the hopper. Sand and/or salt put through the grate will easily pass