Figure 14. Heavy-duty "Wausau" brand Schmidt snowplows being mounted
on 5-ton trucks in Kosovo for use by U.S. Army Kosovo Forces (KFOR).
There are five of these plows in Kosovo.
The 5-ton truck snowplow adds 8.2 feet to the front of the truck and requires
an experienced driver to be constantly alert when conducting SNIC operations
limited to MSRs.
Wausau is a brand name used on particular plows built by the Schmidt
Engineering and Equipment, Inc., of New Berlin, Wisconsin. Although basic in
design and use, it is very strong and extremely well built. It can effectively and
efficiently move large amounts of snow and leaves a clean surface. Although
capable of plowing 15 inches or more of new snow, it is strongly recommended
that plowing be accomplished during the storm. It is considerably safer, more
effective, and more economical to begin plowing before snow accumulation
reaches four inches in depth.
During testing and demonstration at Fort Drum, New York, it was found that
the 5-ton truck snowplow performs superbly on main roads and does equally well
on frozen non-paved roads. When plowing non-paved roads there must be some
selectivity on the part of supervisors. In this particular test effort, Fort Drum
range roads were being plowed early in the morning after an eight-inch snowfall.
There was no traffic on these roads, and in many instances the snowplowing
truck would have to go farther than intended to find adequate turn-around space.
These range roads did not have sharp curves or steep hills.