Snow and Ice Control
Figure 15. Snowplows in Kosovo ready for installation. Also note 5-ton
truck in upper right with snowplow attached.
Operating instructions
1. In any SNIC operation, it is highly recommended that snowplowing
vehicles plow with the storm. If the road being plowed has continuous traffic,
then plowing where there is no more than 34 inches of snow is considered
necessary. With proper plowing and applications of salt, buildup on the road
surface can be prevented under most conditions.
2. On loose gravel roads, the 5-ton-truck snowplow needs skid shoes
mounted to the plow. This keeps the plow from digging into gravel surfaces. The
square shoe was found to be more effective than the round mushroom-type shoe.
If shoes are used on the snowplow on primarily paved surfaces, they must be
installed correctly and at the same level as the cutting edge of the plow. While
testing and demonstrating the 5-ton-truck snowplow, it was comparatively easy
to plow new snow from six inches to eight inches, and it proved equally as easy
to plow old snow that was three days old although it was obvious that it took
more power and in some instances required a second pass to get a clean, smooth
Adding or changing cutting edges is covered in Appendix B. The mounting
of the salt/sand spreader is covered in Appendix C.