i. ~0.7 in. at 400 ft in Gray, Maine
j. ~1 in. at the same location (photo
John Jensenius, NWS).
(photo John Jensenius, NWS).
k. ~0.4 in. at 1640 ft near Berlin (photo Wayne Paschal,
Berlin Fish Hatchery).
Figure 22 (cont'd)
tion) results in ice loads of 0.7 and 1 in., respectively. Royce Benedict and John Farr at the Berlin
Fish Hatchery (1640 ft) in New Hampshire estimated the diameter of the round ice accretion on
the fishing lines over the ponds in Fig. 22k to be 3/4 in. Including the icicles in the load and
ignoring the small diameter of the fishing line, results in an ice load estimate of about 0.4 in. The
photo in Fig. 22l of the ice that accreted on the conductor of the Bangor Hydro transmission line
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