Projecting Ice-Affected Streamflow by Extended Kalman FilteringSITES OF DATA COLLECTIONFigure 2. Distribution of streamflow ratios inferred from selected ice-affected periods at St. John River at Dickey, Maine, gage from 1971 through 1993Figure 4. Selected streamflow-gaging and climatic stations near the Platte River at North Bend, NebraskaPlatte River at North Bend, Nebraska, gageFormulation - CR97_080013Formulation-continueImplementation - CR97_080015ComputationPROJECTING ICE-AFFECTED STREAMFLOWFigure 7. Relationship between published streamflow and temporal updates of streamflow on selected days of direct measurement at St. John RiverPlatte River at North Bend, Nebraska - CR97_080019Table 2. Threshold and filter parameters for the extended Kalman filter for the Platte River at North Bend, NebraskaSUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS - CR97_080021Figure 12. Distribution of discrepancies between logarithms of published and projected streamflowLITERATURE CITED - CR97_080023APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATAAPPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080025APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080026APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080027APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080028APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080029APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080030APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080031APPENDIX A: SELECTED TIME SERIES FOR HYDROLOGICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA-continue - CR97_080032Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska - CR97_080033Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080034Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080035Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080036Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080037Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080038Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080039Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080040Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080041Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080042Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080043Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080044Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080045Platte River at North Bend, Nebraska-continue - CR97_080046Report Documentation Page - CR97_080047CR97_08