a. B-Gully
b. Aerial view of Coastal 6 Gully.
Figure 14. Examples of gully erosion sites. Line stakes are established along a line
approximately parallel to the gully scarp. Hub stakes are located away from the line
stakes and were used as the origin of measurements to scarp.
of the gully scarp was measured across the top of
ments, we could monitor changes in scarp geom-
each line stake with a tape measure. We mea-
etry with time while providing seasonal and an-
sured the position of the gully scarp by lowering
nual data on gully recession and erosion rates.
a plumb bob by string from the tape measure, so
Recession was measured in September 1992,
that a horizontal distance could be read where
June and September 1993, and May, September
the string and measuring tape met. We then placed
and November 1994. The September measure-
flagged wire stakes at each point of measurement
ments delineate summer rates, while those of May
along the headwall. By repeating these measure-
or June delineate winter rates. The November 1994