The potential exists for increased shipping
Appendix C: Summary of Icebreaking Technology
between the Atlantic and the Pacific basins
and Inventory of Polar Ships
via the NSR due to the presence of a complex
Devinder S. Sodhi, U.S. Army Cold Regions
support infrastructure, potential cargoes, and
Research and Engineering Laboratory
emerging international interest.
Appendix D: Russian Institutions, Monitoring and
Environmental conditions that affect NSR
Forecasting Capabilities and Sources of Data
shipping are highly variable from place to
for the Northern Sea Route
place and from season to season.
Andrey and Tatiana Proshutinsky, University
Russian administration of the NSR, includ-
of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute of Marine Sci-
ing passage regulations, the tariff structure,
and ship charter rates, are in a state of flux,
Volume III:
reflecting the rapid social and political
Appendix E: Summary of Findings from the Inter-
changes now occurring.
national Northern Sea Route
The ice-strengthened ships using the NSR
Programme (INSROP) and Other International Ini-
have less than 25% of the cargo capacity of
tiatives Related to the Northern Sea Route
ships using the conventional warm-water
W.M. Sackinger, University of Alaska Fair-
routes, due to draft limitations in key straits
banks, Geophysical Institute
and ports.
Appendix F: Forecast of Commodity Flows
Pacific Northwest U.S. and Alaskan ports will
Gulf Engineers & Consultants, Inc.
be affected by increased NSR throughput, and
Appendix G: Transit Model Development and Re-
further study is warranted for potential chan-
sults (Draft)
Nathan D. Mulherin et al., U.S. Army Cold
nel improvements at the Alaskan port of
Regions Research and Engineering Labora-
Dutch Harbor.
The U.S. will have increased responsibility
Appendix H: Correspondence and Public Involve-
for international vessels en route to and from
the NSR, and efforts should be made to im-
Some general conclusions and recommenda-
prove our nautical charts, navigation aids,
Unit, Point of Contact, and Study Task
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Dr. Orson P. Smith, Study Manager
Alaska District (USAED)
P.O. Box 898
Anchorage, AK 99506-0898
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and
Ice Engineering Research Division
Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
Dr. Devinder S. Sodhi, Icebreaking Ship Technology
72 Lyme Road
Hanover, NH 03755-1290
Snow and Ice Division
Nathan D. Mulherin, History and Current Status
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
Institute of Marine Science
Fairbanks, AK 99775-1080
Dr. Thomas Weingartner, Oceanography
Dr. Tatiana O. Proshutinsky, Climatology
Dr. Andrey Yu. Proshutinsky, Russian Institutions
Geophysical Institute
Gulf Engineers & Consultants, Inc. (GEC)
Donald W. Ator, Jr., Commodity Flows Forecasting
P.O. Box 84010
Daniel S. Maher, Commodity Flows Forecasting
9357 Interline Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70884-4010