open from late May until October, and vessels
loading is accomplished using the ships' own gear.
may enter the port only on high water during
Twelve berths are available in the inner roads
daylight hours. The tidal fluctuation is reportedly
where vessels secure stern-on to the island. Provi-
4.9 m. Mezen can only accommodate general cargo
sions, bunkers, air, and medical services are avail-
vessels up to 2930 dwt, 120 m in length, with 4.5
able. Fresh water is obtained from the river out-
m of draft. Berthing length is limited to 200 m on
side the port area.
pontoons near a timber mill. Vessels with 4 m of
draft are usually grounded when loading timber.
Northern ports slated for opening
Loading is accomplished using the ship's own
The following section summarizes the infor-
gear. Rail and air service is not available, and only
mation available on the ports of Dudinka, Dikson,
minor ship repairs can be expected. A hospital is
Tiksi, and Pevek, which were identified by
located in the town, and fresh water and provi-
Mikhailichenko (1992) as slated for opening some-
sions can be obtained. Bunkers are not guaran-
time in the future. He did not project when this
teed available.
would occur and, according to Maliavko,* they
Nar'yan-Mar. This commercial port is located
have yet to be opened.
on the south bank of the Pechora River about 70
Dudinka. Situated on the east bank of the
nm upstream from its mouth on Pechorskaya Bay
Yenisey River approximately 185 nm upstream of
on the Barents Sea. It is normally open to naviga-
its mouth on the Kara Sea, Dudinka is the largest
tion between late June and late October (120130
Arctic port east of Arkhangel'sk. Near the port,
days per year). Ice begins forming in the estuary
the river is 1.25 to 1.75 nm wide, has low banks,
in October, attains a thickness of 1 to 2 m by spring-
and is subject to large fluctuations in depth. Per-
time, begins clearing in June, and is normally out
mafrost prevents the percolation of rainfall, so run-
by July. The permitted draft for port entry is about
off events are particularly flashy. Dudinka is
4.5 m due to the bar that forms at the river 's mouth,
evacuated and closed for two weeks or more dur-
but this figure is set by the Port Authority at the
ing the ice breakup period in late June to early
beginning of each season. The tidal variation is
July to avoid ice and flood damage. The depth
0.6 m. The port is primarily a timber exporting
limitation for entering port is reportedly 7.6 m.
center, but other dry and bulk cargoes are handled,
The main wharf is 300 m long and is said to ac-
including grain, salt, metals, fish, coal, and ce-
commodate vessels of 10,000 gross tonnage. The
ment. Four berths are available with a maximum
main cargo facilities are primarily for minerals
alongside depth of 6.5 m. The maximum vessel
export. Medical and air services are available, and
length is 125 m. Provisions and fresh water are
there is a railroad to Noril'sk. Although fuel oil is
usually available, however, only minor ship re-
said to be available, ships' provisions, repairs, and
pairs can obtained and fuel oil bunkers cannot be
water are not guaranteed.
guaranteed available. There is medical and air ser-
Dikson. The port of Dikson, where the western
vice available, but no rail service.
Marine Operations Headquarters is based, is com-
Igarka. Igarka is situated on the east bank of the
posed of a harbor indentation on the east side of
Yenisey River, 321 nm upstream from its mouth
Ostrov (Island) Dikson. The maximum permitted
on the Yenisey Gulf. Its normal navigation season
draft is 11 m. The general cargo wharf has two
is from July to mid-November. Ice begins forming
berths of 100 and 107 m with an alongside depth
about mid-October. Igarka is the only NSR port
of 5.2 m. Including nearby Ostrov Konus, there
now open for foreigner stopover; it is navigable
are three coal piers of 38, 56, and 61 m in length
for about 135 days per year. Interestingly, it lies
with alongside depths of 3, 7, and 7 m, respec-
136 nm upstream from the port of Dudinka, which
tively. There are two petroleum berths, one 24 m
is navigable year-round but is not yet open to
long and the other 23 m. The alongside depth for
foreigners. Only those vessels with drafts less than
both is 5.2 m. Medical facilities and air service are
7.3 m can safely negotiate the river bars and enter
available, but rail service is not. Water, fuel oil,
the port. The largest vessel that can be accommo-
ships' provisions, and minor ship repairs can be
dated is 14,203 dwt and 151.8 m length overall
obtained, as well as rescue service and communi-
(loa). Tidal fluctuations are not a factor this far
cation equipment repair.
upriver, but depth fluctuations associated with
runoff events can be as much as 15 to 20 m. The
main wharf for the principal export, timber, is 300
* M. Maliavko, 1994, HydroCon, Ltd., St. Petersburg,
m long with an alongside depth of 7.5 m where
Russia, personal communication.