weather and fog. November to February is gener-
principal export is timber, and facilities for han-
ally the period with the most difficult weather
dling general cargoes are available. The port is
conditions, but moderate gales can be expected
closed for 5 to 6 months of the year, and ships
two to four days every month of the year. Epi-
cannot winter afloat in the river as ice conditions
sodes of fog are heaviest from January to April.
prevail in the estuary and port area from early
Ice normally begins forming at the beginning of
November to mid-May. In high water conditions,
January, attains its maximum thickness by the end
the channel will allow passage of vessels up to 124
of February, and is gone by mid-April. Icebreak-
m in length with drafts of 5.1 to 6.4 m. The tidal
ers are available throughout the period to main-
fluctuation is 2.7 m. The two largest berths are 470
tain ocean-going traffic. Springtime ice breakup
m and 110 m in length with alongside depths of
on the Tuloma and Kola Rivers presents a brief
6.1 m and 4 m, respectively. Cargo loading and
challenge to navigation in May. The channel ap-
handling is accomplished using the ships' own
proach varies from 10 to 30 m, and depths along-
gear. There is rail but not air service nearby, and
side the 28 available berths range from 6 to 13 m.
only limited ship repairs are available. Other ser-
The tidal fluctuation is 3.7 m. The port can accom-
vices include medical, fresh water, and ship's pro-
modate general cargo, container, and bulk cargo
visions, but bunkers cannot be guaranteed.
ships, ro-ro ("roll-on, roll-off" ship capable of
Arkhangel'sk. Arkhangel'sk is situated on the east
transporting wheeled cargo such as trucks, trail-
bank of the Severnaya Dvina River, about 28 nm
ers, or automobiles) and passenger ships, and
upstream from its mouth on the White Sea. The
tankers. Ships can be as large as 44,750 dwt, up to
port area extends nearly 30 nm along the river,
202 m in length, and with 12 m draft. Murmansk,
comprising the entire navigable waterways and
a city of about 500,000, offers provisions, bunkers,
facilities of the river. Arkhangel'sk is one of Russia's
fresh water, and medical services; nearby high-
largest and most important ports. The port is nor-
way, air, and rail transportation; and repairs for
mally open from the end of April through Novem-
ships up 30,000 dwt. Berenyl et al. (1994) report
ber but can be used year-round by ice-classed ves-
that cargo throughput at Murmansk has decreased
sels under icebreaker escort. Ice can occur from
from 8.5 million tons per year to 6.5 million. His
late October to mid-May and, depending upon
source states that large volumes of liquids are not
the severity, the port may be closed periodically
handled there; only dry cargoes, including fertil-
during the winter period. The river delta approach
izers (up to 4 million tons of apatite per annum in
to Arkhangel'sk has three main branches among
the early 1990s), ores, coal, grain, alumina, and
numerous islands and shoals. The channel depth
containerized general cargo.
is reportedly 6.4 to 7.6 m, but this is variable due
Kandalaksha. This port is located just inside the
to erosion and siltation. The tidal fluctuation is 0.6
mouth of the Niva River, which empties into
m. There are a total of 35 berths with alongside
Kandalaksha Inlet and the White Sea. Kandalaksha
depths of 7.8 to 9.6 m and facilities for tanker,
Inlet forms the southern edge of the Kola Penin-
container, general, and bulk cargo vessels. Ships
sula. The port is normally frozen over from early
up to 19,200 dwt, an overall length of 162 m, and a
November to late May. Tides cause a depth fluc-
beam of 30 m can be accommodated. A wide array
tuation of 2.1 m, and tidal currents run between
of stores are available by order. Bunkers and sup-
0.5 and 1.5 kn. The depth of the approach channel
plies of fresh water are available from offshore
and its berthing area is reportedly 4.9 to 6.1 m.
barges and lighters. Air and rail service is avail-
LLP lists the maximum alongside-berthing depth
able nearby. Ship repairs are handled at floating
as 8.5 m. Five berths with a total length of 288 m
docks for vessels up to 7000 dwt. Berenyl (1994)
are available, the longest being 90 m. The maxi-
states that the three port areas of Arkhangel'sk can
mum vessel size is not mentioned. Principal facili-
accomodate vessels with drafts of 8.0 to 9.2 m.
ties are for dry bulk and general cargoes. Medical
Plans call for the construction of a methanol plant
services, fresh water, and provisions are available,
that will begin exporting up to 700,000 tons per
but bunkers are not. Only minor ship repairs can
year to the U.S. in 1995. He also reports that the
be performed. Rail service is available nearby, but
construction of a new terminal is being considered
there is no air service.
to receive metals for export from the Cheropovets
Onega. Located on the north bank of the Onega
metallurgical plant and from Magnitogorsk.
River, between 4.8 and 6.4 km upstream of its
Mezen. This port is located 35 km upstream on
mouth on Onezhskiy Bay of the White Sea, Onega
the Mezen River, which empties into Mezen Bay
is a center for timber and sawmilling activities. Its
in the northeast region of the White Sea. It is only