Figure 20. Segments of lines CCJ that contain the many diffractions west of the skiway. The apexes of the diffrac-
tions rise as the transects progress to the north (toward line J).
beyond the ASTRO complex several solitary dif-
All radar profiles from line CC (southernmost
fractions may be seen. The location and depth of
line) to line J contained diffractions, with most
concentrated in the 85-m-wide strip just west of
Also visible in Figure 19 is a horizon at about 3 to
the skiway. No diffractions were seen along lines
4 m depth. This is believed to be dense snow
K through Q in this 85-m-wide area. These 85-m-
caused by traffic between the old and new sta-
long profile segments along with the skiway
tions during the early 1970's when the new sta-
itself are shown in Figure 20. Lines CC through A
tion was being constructed.
show responses from distinct targets. The re-