The steam use due to leaks in the steam distribu-
system will undergo much less variation. For this
tion piping is basically only a function of the pres-
reason we will assume that the heat losses from the
sure in the steam supply pipe. Since the supply
steam pipe are constant over the heating season.
pressure at the inlet to the distribution system is
This allows us to lump the steam use due to these
maintained at a reasonably constant level, the rate
heat losses with the steam use due to leaks.
of steam leakage is also fairly constant. When higher
The remaining steam load on the system, that
loads are experienced at the buildings, the increased
due to the space heating requirements of the build-
steam flow rate will result in greater pressure losses
ing, will vary substantially with the outdoor air
and thus the pressure will be lower under the higher
temperature and thus the degree days accumulated.
load conditions. This effect will of course increase as
In fact, if our degree-day model were an exact repre-
the distance from the plant increases. The Haw-
sentation, this load would disappear when the av-
thorne AAP system is a relatively small system with
erage outdoor air temperature for the day reached
18.3C (65F), the point at which no degree days
the longest distance along the pipe from plant to
consumer being about 1035 m (3400 ft). For this
would be accumulated for the day. In reality this is
reason, the amount of steam used due to leaks will
not true for several reasons, the primary one being
be assumed to be essentially independent of the
inadequate control of the heating system in the build-
ings. Some of the building heating systems at
Steam use resulting from heat losses in the distri-
Hawthorne AAP do not shut off completely when a
bution system is a function of the temperature of the
specified indoor temperature level is achieved. This
surroundings, and thus it is also correlated with the
is a common problem in steam-heated buildings,
degree days accumulated. This function is basically
resulting primarily from leaking valves that do not
proportional to the temperature difference between
completely close. Thus, some portion of the load
the steam in the pipe and the adjacent surround-
due to space heating at the buildings is residual
ings. Since most of the main steam lines are con-
after degree days are no longer being accumulated.
tained in concrete trenches whose covers are at grade
This must be lumped with the "fixed" portion of the
level, there is little time lag between the time of an
load on the system, resulting from steam leaks and
air temperature change and the time at which the
heat losses from the steam distribution piping.
steam system experiences heat losses proportional
A linear function has been regressed onto the
to the new temperature. The dependence of the rate
data of Figure 2 as shown. The slope of the re-
gressed line is 0.0445 kg/sC-day (0.0545 lbm/
of heat loss from the steam pipe on the ambient air
sF-day) and the intercept is 0.663 kg/s (1.46
temperature is not nearly as dramatic as that of the
building heating load. Since the elevated tempera-
lbm/s). Based on the discussion presented above,
ture of the steam pipe results in a large temperature
the intercept would represent the sum of the loads
difference between itself and the environment, the
due to steam leaks, heat losses from the steam
changes in this temperature difference due to
piping, and residual heating of the building due
changes of the environmental temperature are rela-
to inadequate building control systems. The slope
tively small. For example, during the 1987/88 heat-
of the regressed line would represent the rate of
ing season the largest temperature difference be-
increase of steam use as a function of increasing
tween the mean ambient air temperature and the
degree days. One measure of the efficiency of the
steam pipe occurred on 25 December when the tem-
distribution system is the ratio of the useful heat
perature difference was 177.20C (170 to 7.2) (319F).
delivered to the total heating energy that leaves
By contrast this temperature difference was at its
the plant. We can find the useful heat delivered
lowest value during the 1987/88 heating season on
using the slope of the regressed line from above.
27 October when it was 154.4C (170 to 15.6) (278F).
To do so we multiply the slope value from the
Thus, this temperature difference is only 12.8% less
regressed function by the length of a day and
at its minimum than when at its maximum. The rate
then in turn multiply the resulting value by the
of heat loss will vary by a somewhat lesser amount,
total number of degree days for the heating sea-
since the thermal mass and thermal resistance of the
son. For the period of the 1987/88 heating season
concrete trench and surrounding soil will tend to
under study, the total accumulation of the
weighted average degree days was 2026.5C-days
dampen the effective temperature difference be-
(3647.7F-days). Thus, the total useful steam de-
tween the steam pipe and the environment. Hence,
during this period when the space heating load
livered was 7,791,000 kg (17,176,000 lbm). The
would range from essentially zero to its maximum
total steam delivered will include, in addition to
value, the heat losses from the steam distribution
this useful steam, that which was consumed due