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Shoop, S.A. (1993b) Terrain characterization for
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trafficability. USA Cold Regions Research and En-
(with excerpts from US Army Field Manual FM
gineering Laboratory, CRREL Report 93-6.
Shoop, S.A. (1993c) Effect of soil thawing on off-
Richmond, P.W . (1993) Predicting vehicle mobil-
road vehicle traction. In Proceedings, 6th International
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1, p. 559563. Submitted to Journal of Terramechanics.
bility, June 1991, Santa Barbara, California (G.L. Blais-
Shoop, S.A. (in press) Vehicle bearing capacity of
dell, Ed.). USA Cold Regions Research and Engi-
frozen ground. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, ac-
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cepted for publication in June 1995.
Shoop, S.A. and R. Alger (1993) Snow character-
of wheeled vehicles in snow. USA Cold Regions
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used. In Proceedings of the First International Confer-
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Richmond, P.W ., G.L. Blaisdell and C.E. Green
(1990) Wheels and tracks in snow: Second valida-
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Shapiro, L.H., J.B. Johnson, M. Sturm and G.L
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Willoughby, W .E., R.A. Jones, C.D. Cothren, D.W .
Shoop, S.A. (1990) Mechanisms controlling vehicle
Moore, D.M. Rogillio, R.F. Unger and T.L. Prickett
mobility on a thawing soil. In Proceedings of the 10th
(1991) Mobility in slippery soils and across gaps,
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Volume 1: Program summary. USA Waterways Ex-
of Terrain Vehicle Systems, August 1990, Kobe, Japan,
periment Station, Technical Report GL-91-2.
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