able power output and panel temperature being the main
parameters of interest. Ambient air temperature and net
radiation levels were also measured. All parameters
were sampled every 15 minutes and averaged hourly
by the data acquisition system during the 199798, 1998
99 austral summers (23 September to 22 March).
Once a month during the austral summer, a techni-
cian from ASA downloaded the data and sent them to a
designated CRREL representative via E-mail. Upon
receipt, the new monthly data were appended to a com-
mon data file for processing.
Details for mounting the panels
Each PV panel was mounted vertically on the ARO
roof top handrails (Fig. 7). Predrilled plywood strips
were added to the handrails to make it easier to install
and remove them. The panels were bolted to the ply-
a. Top view of corner connection (pan head sheet metal
wood strips using holes in the aluminum frame provided
by the manufacture. Each side of the ARO building
received one PV panel from each manufacturer. Table
2 gives PV panel numbering and placement on the ARO
roof handrails.
b. Front view of corner connection
a. Work in progress.
c. Back view of corner connection (arrow points to sheet
metal screw in open extruded channel).
Figure 6. Details of Solarex panel.
b. Mounted panels.
Figure 7. Mounting PV panels on ARO roof top handrails.
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