anchor it in place. On 12 and 13 August, water
HDPE scrim, coated on both sides with black
continued to be pumped into the pit until the
HDPE. A water distribution system of 4-in. (10-
water level was approximately 1 ft (30 cm) above
cm) perforated schedule 40 PVC pipe was placed
on top of the liner and covered with contami-
the surface of the contaminated soil. On 17
nated soil. An air header constructed of 4-in.
August the water level had receded and more
(10-cm) schedule 40 PVC pipe was placed just
water was added. After water had to be added
below the surface of the contaminated soil, with
several times, it was apparent that the liner sys-
25 air diffusers attached to the piping located 4
tem had leaked. Approximately 35,000 gal
in. (10-cm) above the soil surface. Water is added
(132,000 L) of water was pumped into the pit.
to the pit, saturating the contaminated soil, and
This is enough to fill the empty pit. Although the
submerging the air diffusers.
cause of the leak has not been verified, several
Water is circulated through the system using a
possibilities exist: mechanical damage during
1-hp (10-kg cal/min) trash pump to extract water
placement of the contaminated soil with the back-
from the surface of the leach bed. The water is
hoe; tearing of the liner at a seam as it was loaded
pumped to a 1000-gal (3785-L) fertilizer mix tank
with soil; puncturing of the liner by rocks in the
and is allowed to flow by gravity from the bot-
fill material because the liner was not protected
tom of the tank to the water distribution piping
by sand or cushion fabric; or cracks in the thin
in the bottom of the pit. The water then perco-
HDPE coating covering the scrim when the liner
lates up through the soil mass carrying nutrients
was folded into the corners of the pit.
and oxygen to the hydrocarbon degrading bac-
teria. A 9-kW emersion heater is placed in the
tank to elevate the temperature of the circulating
Although we encountered problems with the
recirculating leachbed at the FIA site, a member
Air is supplied to the diffusers by a 2.5-hp (25-
of our research team was involved in designing
kg cal/min) regenerative blower. Aeration was
and operating another recirculating leachbed at
also provided in the mix tank by an air compres-
more northerly location. At this location, TPH
sor, attached to a single air diffuser located in the
levels in a diesel- and waste-oil-contaminated soil
bottom of the tank.
decreased from between 300 and 47,000 mg/kg
to between 240 and 570 mg/kg in 5 weeks at
Anatuvuk Pass, in northern Alaskan. Correspond-
The leach bed was installed at the location of
ing values for petroleum and hydrocarbon-
the cross-shaped burn pit (Fig. 1c). Contaminated
degrading microorganisms, as determined by the
material in the area was excavated and moved to
sheen screen technique (Brown and Braddock
1990), increased from 1.8 104/g to 4.5 106/g.
the landfarm facility and the area was back-filled
Final diesel-range organics, after 8 weeks of treat-
with mechanically compacted sandy-silt mate-
ment, were less than 200 mg/kg.
rial. The leach bed pit was then excavated and
recompacted. The liner was factory seamed and
arrived at the site as a single 55- 55-ft (16.75-
16.75-m) sheet. The liner was fitted into the
excavation and the water distribution manifold
was placed at the bottom of the pit. Approxi-
mately 150 yd3 (115 m3) of contaminated soil that
The results from the landfarm treatment are
was stockpiled in the landfarm was placed in the
promising and significant. A seven-fold variabil-
pit. The air distribution header was buried by
ity in rates suggested that the slower rates could
hand at the surface of the contaminated material
be improved to match or approach the faster
and the skid-mounted mechanical equipment was
rates. Faster degradation rates would reduce the
moved to the site and plumbed to the air and
time and cost required for treatment and conse-
water distribution systems.
quently reduce the chance of leaching or off-site
migration during treatment. At least part of the
difference in rates may be ascribable to moisture
Beginning on 9 August 1991, water was
and nutrient additions. Evidence of this is seen in
pumped from the infiltration gallery well to fill
the pattern of the degradation variability, which
the leach bed system. Initially, the air manifold
appeared to correspond to the pattern of irriga-
floated to the surface and sandbags were used to
tion and fertilization. Owing to the nature of the