Figure 4. Degree of angularity chart. (After Lees 1964.)
Table 3. Criteria for describing angularity of
coarse-grained particles (ASTM D 2488-90).
Particles have sharp edges and relatively
plane sides with unpolished surfaces.
Particles are similar to angular description
but have rounded edges.
Particles have nearly plane sides but have
well-rounded corners and edges.
Particles have smoothly curved sides and
no edges.
Figure 5. Visual identification of aggregate angularity.
(After ASTM D 2488-90.)
subrounded, or rounded. The qualitative criteria,
presented in Table 3, are used for describing the
scale to determine the surface texture (roughness)
angularity. A visual chart for determining the
of aggregates. The surface roughness (SR) was
angularity of the aggregate, similar to that found
based on visual inspection and indexed to a scale
in ASTM D 2488-90, is presented in Figure 5.
ranging from 0 (for glassy particles) to 1000 (for
very rough particles).
Description of surface texture
Another method found in the literature was to
The surface characteristics or texture of an
coat a flat, sawed aggregate surface with asphalt
aggregate are considered to have an effect on the
(Bikerman 1964), which is then scraped to the sur-
engineering response of the material. Terzaghi
and Peck (1967) defined texture as the degree of
fineness and uniformity. They suggested qualita-
4.9 cm
etc., to describe the texture.
Barksdale and Itani (1994) used a roughness
8 cm chords
4 cm chords
Figure 6. Measurement method for characterizing the surface texture of
an aggregate. (After Wright 1955.)