Results of Stabilized Waste Material Testing
for the Raymark Superfund Site
cement and compacted prior to placement of the
CRREL was approached by the Geotechnical
geosynthetic liner materials.
Engineering Division of the New England Dis-
As the 199697 winter season approached, it
trict (NED), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to
was apparent that not all of the stabilized waste
assist in predicting the effects of freezethaw
material areas would be covered with the base and
cycling on stabilized hazardous waste material.
subbase. Therefore, field tests were conducted
The stabilized waste material is being used as a
to evaluate any changes in the strength of the sta-
fill material below the pavement structure at the
bilized fill caused by frost effects. In the event
Raymark Superfund site in Stratford, Connecti-
that a significant decrease in strength occurred,
cut. This report focuses on the testing methods
the material would have to be restabilized prior
and results obtained from the field work.
to the placement of the upper layers.
The Raymark Superfund site is currently
Field testing of the stabilized waste material
under remediation with the intention of using the
was conducted to determine the unconfined com-
reclaimed land for commercial development.
pressive strength and the CBR (California bear-
A portion of the site is planned to be used as a
ing ratio) of the material before and after freezing.
parking area, and the pavement structure of the
The tests were conducted with a Clegg impact
proposed parking area will consist of a layer of
soil tester and dynamic cone penetrometer
bituminous concrete over a graded gravel base.
(DCP). Field testing was conducted in December
The total pavement structure thickness will be
1996 and in March 1997.
559 mm. The pavement structure will be either 76
A secondary objective of the test program was
mm of asphalt concrete over 483 mm of gravel
to determine if the design thickness of the sub-
base for standard duty traffic, or 102 mm of
base material was sufficient to prevent frost pene-
asphalt concrete over 457 mm of gravel base for
tration into the stabilized fill. Thermocouples
heavy duty traffic loads. Below the pavement layer
were installed in the subbase materials to record
will be 203 mm of a common granular fill mate-
temperatures at various depths. These data were
rial followed by a 152-mm layer of Tilcon com-
then used to predict the depth of frost penetration
mon granular fill.
in the waste material.
Geosynthetic liner materials, approximately
Because of the large volume of data generated,
25 mm thick, will be placed below the Tilcon ma-
the appendices accompanying this report are
terial. A minimum thickness of 914 mm of materi-
summaries of the actual data obtained from the
als will be placed above the geosynthetic liner
testing at the site. The raw field data are available
materials. Below the geosynthetic liner materials
upon request.
is a 203-mm sand gas collection layer. The under-
most layer is the waste material, which is a mix-
ture of on-site soil combined with hazardous
waste that was produced on site. Asbestos, lead,
Clegg hammer and DCP testing at the site was
PCBs, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-
performed at three field test sites (Fig. 1). At each
test site, a 15- 3-m grid was laid out (Fig. 2).
VOCs, and solvents have been detected in the on-
site soil. This mixture was treated with 3.5%
Three 15-m testing lines were established in this