We chose an elevation near the upper limit of most
redeeming value was to remind us that we should not
buildings as our case study elevation. Had we done
apply our elevation correction factor above the tree
these case studies at lower elevations, failure to apply
the elevation correction factor would have resulted in
Each of the three CRREL researchers and the three
inappropriately low design loads for some of the build-
SENH structural engineers involved was provided with
ings in each town.
a copy of the "data and methodology" report mentioned
previously (Tobiasson & Greatorex 1997), several
representative case studies done by CRREL previously,
and written suggestions by Tobiasson and Greatorex
Case study forms were computer-generated for each
for conducting case studies, a copy of which can be
town. Figures 3 and 4 present such forms for the town
obtained from CRREL.
of Salisbury. The first page (Fig. 3) contains the data
We began by working on 40 towns, about half of
available in the vicinity. For many towns, that tabula-
which were in the rugged northern portion of the state
tion contains data from neighboring states. For
and the rest in the rolling hills of southwestern New
Salisbury, periods of record range from 4 to 44 years;
Hampshire. We each conducted our analysis in our own
about half the stations are NWS and half non-NWS,
way and forwarded our "preliminary" ground snow
and ground snow loads are available in the vicinity at
load answers to a third party at CRREL, who tallied
elevations from 350 ft (107 m) to 1500 ft (457 m),
them without divulging the author of each value, and
bracketing the 900 ft (274 m) elevation chosen for
then sent the tally to us. We then reassessed our an-
swers in light of those of the five others, and then sent
The final page (Fig. 4) of each case study contains
in our "semi-final" answers, which were tallied in a
two plots of ground snow load vs. elevation. The up-
similar fashion, then returned to us. We met shortly
per plot contains just the data from the nearest six to
thereafter to discuss our various methods of analysis
eight stations, while the lower plot contains all the data
and our answers and to arrive at a final answer for
available within a 25-mile (40-km) radius, plus any
each of the 40 towns. As a result of our first meeting,
NWS first order data within 50 miles (80 km). As
we each made some changes to our method of analy-
shown in Figure 4, the elevation of interest is high-
sis. We then repeated the process for the remaining
lighted on the plots, as is a straight line of best fit us-
100 towns being studied.
ing least squares and the best fit value of the ground
snow load at the elevation of interest. For some towns
the ground snow load "answer" is similar on the upper
and lower plots but for other towns it is quite differ-
Ground snow loads generally increase at higher el-
The three individuals representing CRREL had done
evations up to the tree line. Above the tree line, they
many case studies and were comfortable with the case
may decrease because of wind action. The upper plot
study forms and the guidelines for analysis. They
in Figure 4 has a negative "slope" (i.e., elevation cor-
closely followed the instructions, giving more weight
rection factor) of 1.67 lb/ft2 per 100 ft (0.26 kN/m2
to closer stations and stations with longer periods of
per 100 m). The few data points on the "nearest 6"
record. They gave little weight to stations with less
plot result in an unrealistic slope and thus the ground
than about 15 years of record and they gave little weight
snow load answer of 68 lb/ft2 (3.3 kN/m2) is not to be
to stations where the ratio of the 50-year ground snow
trusted. The lower "all values" plot in Figure 4 con-
load (i.e., Pg on the case study tabulation) to the larg-
tains enough data points to generate a physically more
est ground snow load ever measured there (i.e., the
realistic slope of 2.5 lb/ft2 per 100 ft (0.39 kN/m2 per
Record Max value, Pmax, on the case study tabulation)
100 m) and, thus, a believable ground snow load of 80
was greater than 1.6. They flagged such stations on
lb/ft2 (3.8 kN/m2).
the upper plot and added a few stations somewhat fur-
Data from near the 6288-ft (1917-m) summit of Mt.
ther away, but with longer periods of record, to re-
Washington created problems. The tabulated ground
place them. Often, more stations were added than were
snow load there is only 56 lb/ft2 (2.7 kN/m2), which is
eliminated. Then they either "eyeballed" or calculated
far below the ground snow load at many other places
a new line of best fit in their quest for that case study's
at elevations well below 1000 ft (305 m). The high
answer. When "eyeballing" in a line of best fit, they
gave it a slope of between 2 and 2.5 lb/ft2 per 100 ft
winds on that treeless summit result in ground snow
(0.31 to 0.39 kN/m2 per 100 m), based on the written
load measurements that are much too low to be used
for our purposes. Several plots containing the Mt.
suggestions mentioned above. Two of them found it
Washington value have a negative slope and the ground
valuable to bound the good data by upper and lower
snow load answer suffers as a result. While Mt. Wash-
lines at one of these slopes. Their answer was usually
ington and a few other stations frustrated us, their im-
somewhat above the midpoint of the upper and lower
plications were worth considering. Mt. Washington's
bounds at the case study elevation. The third individual
devoted additional attention to the geographical posi-