based remote-sensing system for mapping icing poten-
safety in six areas, including weather. The weather
tial. A prototype ground-based demonstration system
requirements include the need to detect icing condi-
would allow operational and technological problems
tions remotely.
to be identified and resolved before airborne systems
7.2 FAA
reach a similar stage of development. Airborne systems
are much further from prototype system demonstration
The FAA is the U.S. government agency responsible
because little promising technology is near maturity.
for aviation operations and safety. It implemented the
The following recommendations for research are
FAA Inflight Aircraft Icing Plan in April 1997 after three
presented for operations, meteorological sensing needs,
meetings examining causes, and solutions to the causes,
and technology.
of the October 1994 ATR-72 crash.
In-flight icing is recognized as a significant hazard
to both civilian and military aviation. In May 1996, the
6.1 Operational needs research
FAA held an International Conference on Aircraft Icing
Assess human factors issues of remote-sensing
in Springfield, Virginia, attended by over 400 civilian
and military participants from 20 countries. As a result
issues, and develop avoid-and-exit protocol and
of the conference, the development of in-flight ice detec-
tion emerged as a goal to "accelerate development of
airborne technologies that remotely assess icing condi-
structure for other aircraft, air traffic controllers,
tions by working with groups that already are support-
and meteorologists.
ing research in this area." In response, the NASA Glenn
Identify aircraft flight envelopes in icing condi-
Research Center, the FAA Technical Center, and
tions and characterize the icing hazard.
accelerate development of systems for remotely detect-
6.2 Meteorological needs research
ing icing conditions in the flight path.
microphysical conditions that produce icing.
7.3 NCAR
Assess the spatial and temporal variability of icing
The National Center for Atmospheric Research,
weather conditions at multiple scales.
funded by UCAR, which is in turn funded by the
Develop an icing metric algorithm to convert
National Science Foundation, is the nation's preemi-
liquid-water content, temperature, and elements of
nent meteorological research organization. With NASA,
the drop spectra into a measure of icing potential.
the FAA, and Canada's Atmospheric Environment Ser-
vice, NCAR has led the nation in aircraft icing weather
6.3 Technology needs research
research for several decades and will continue in that
Assess the feasibility of remote-sensing technol-
role. NCAR excels in developing forecast ability, instru-
ogies to provide liquid-water content, drop size,
mentation, and atmospheric characterization. In addi-
and temperature information.
tion, NCAR operates airborne research platforms well-
Develop methods of assessing feasibility studies
through measurements with hardware.
Develop prototype technologies for field testing.
The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration's Environmental Technology Labora-
tory in Boulder, Colorado, is a pioneer developer of
7.1 NASA
remote-sensing systems for detecting atmospheric phen-
NASA is the U.S. government agency primarily
omena using radar, microwave radiometers, and RASS.
responsible for aviation research. NACA, NASA's pre-
ETL has developed some of the finest research radars
decessor, conducted pioneering icing research in the
and radiometers available and has played an important
1940s that continues today, principally at the Glenn
role in several icing research programs, such as the
Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, Ohio. In
19891994 Winter Icing and Storms Project in Colo-
February 1997, President Clinton released the recom-
rado, and the 1999 Mt. Washington Icing Sensors
mendations of the White House Commission on Avia-
Project in New Hampshire. ETL often partners with
tion Safety and Security for improving aviation safety.
NCAR in atmospheric research and will play an impor-
In response, NASA implemented the Aviation Safety
tant role in atmospheric characterization and remote-
Program, a 0-million program to improve aviation
sensing technology development.
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