Field Demonstration of Rhizosphere-Enhanced Treatment of Organics-Contaminated Soils on Native American Lands with Application to Northern FUD SitesIntroduction - LR-04-180012The BenefitsObjectives of the Demonstration - LR-04-180014Technology Description - LR-04-180015Previous Testing of the Technology - LR-04-180016Advantages and Limitations of the Technology - LR-04-180017WeaknessesAvailable Treatability Guidance - LR-04-180019Phytoremediation Technical and Regulatory Guidance Document - LR-04-180020Demonstration Design - LR-04-180021Selecting Test SitesTest Site Description - LR-04-180023Campion / GalenaBarrow - LR-04-180025Pre-Demonstration Testing and AnalysisTesting and Evaluation PlanOperating Parameters for the TechnologySampling PlanSample Collection - LR-04-180030Sample AnalysisDepletion Monitoring with a Selected Biomarker - LR-04-180032Selection of Analytical/Testing MethodsPerformance Assessment - LR-04-180034Table 2. Performance criteriaData Analysis, Interpretation and EvaluationMeans and 95% Confidence IntervalsResults for One-Way ANOVAPlant Effects on Depletion of Specific Petroleum Fractions - LR-04-180039Microbial Characterization - LR-04-180040Cost AssessmentTable 5. Cost reportingImplementation Issues - LR-04-180043Specifics for Implementing Rhizosphere-Enhanced Remediation at Northern LocationsFertilizing: RateMonitoring: SamplingReferences Cited in this ReportReferences Cited in this Report-continuePoint of Contact - LR-04-180049Appendix A. Chemical Analysis - LR-04-180050GC Fingerprints TPH and PAH Degradation - LR-04-180051Table 6. List of target analytes to be scanned for standard PAH analysis - LR-04-180052The instrument conditions for the analysis-continue - LR-04-180053Appendix B. Plate CountsActinomycetesAgar PreparationProcedure - LR-04-180057Clean-up Procedures - LR-04-180058Appendix C. MPN TubesMaterials - LR-04-180060Procedure - LR-04-180061Clean-up Procedures - LR-04-180062Appendix D. List of ParticipantsAppendix D. List of Participants-continueNative American Communities and Environmental CleanupBattelle (Contractor for Navy Site)Appendix E. DataTable 8. 17B(H),21a(H)-Hopane-normalized depletions at Barrow SiteTable 9. C3 Decalin-normalized depletions at Galena SiteTable 10. C3 Decalin- and growing-degree-day (GDD)-normalized depletions at Annette SiteTable 11. 17B(H),21a(H)-Hopane- and growing-degree-day(GDD)-normalized depletions at Barrow SiteTable 12. C3 Decalin- and growing-degree-day (GDD)-normalized depletions at Galena SiteFigure 1. Block of sample plots at Campion Air Force Station in August 1999Figure 3. Cost versus time trade-off for remediation techniquesFigure 5. Map of Annette IslandFigure 6. Metlakatla Peninsula of Annette Island showing Annette Island Airport and tank farmFigure 7. Annette Island Airport and tank farmFigure 8. Annette Island site showing example of blocking approach used to reduce variabilityFigure 9. Campion site planFigure 10. Detail of excavation work area at Campion.Figure 11. Regional location map for the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (NARL), Point Barrow, AlaskaFigure 12. Site features and extent of contamination at former bulk fuel tank farm at NARL, Point BarrowFigure 14. Block 1 plots at Barrow in September 2000Figure 17. Typical GC fingerprint for gasolineFigure 20. Typical GC fingerprint for the heavy fuel, fuel oil no. 4Figure 22. Histogram for three ESTCP Field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data - aliphatic fractionsFigure 23. Histogram for three ESTCP field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data - aromatic fractionsFigure 26. Three ESTCP field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data aliphatic fractionsFigure 27. Three ESTCP field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data aromatic fractionsFigure 30. Three ESTCP field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data plant effects on aromatic fractionsFigure 32. Three ESTCP field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data fertilizer effects on TPH and summed PAHsFigure 34. Three ESTCP field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data fertilizer effects on aromatic fractionsFigure 35. Three ESTCP field sites - decalin and GDD normalized data significant fertilizer effects (inhibition)Figure 36. Bacterial and fungal population changes over time at the Annette Island siteFigure 37. Bacterial populations in the non-fertilized and fertilized plots, and fungal populations in the non-vegetated and vegetated plots Figure 38. Motor oil, cyclohexanol, and benzoic acid degrader numbers before and 10 months after treatments were implemented at the Annette Island siteFigure 39. Changes in fungal biomarkers at the Barrow siteLR-04-18