Quantifying the Effect of a FreezeThaw Cycle on Soil Erosion: Laboratory Experiments Introduction - LR-04-160006Description of ExperimentsDescription of Experiments-continueSoil CharacterizationResults - LR-04-160010Integrated Measures of ErosionIntegrated Measures of Erosion-continueLocal Measures of ErosionReplication of ExperimentsVery Low Moisture ExperimentSummary and Conclusions - LR-04-160016Acknowledgements - LR-04-160017References - LR-04-160018References-continue - LR-04-160019Figure 1. Experimental setup - LR-04-160020Figure 3. Typical development sequence of an eroding rillFigure 4. Test duration (min) of each soil moisture series (low, mid, high) plotted against flow conditionFigure 5. Time weighted discharge (L/min) from each bin related to flow condition by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 6. Mean FT and C runoff sample sediment concentrations (g/L) and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 7. Time-weighted FT and C runoff sample sediment concentrations (g/L) and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 8. Median FT and C runoff sample sediment concentrations (g/L) and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 9. Maximum FT and C runoff sample sediment concentrations (g/L) and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 10. Time-weighted FT and C sediment loads (g/min) and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope nd soil moisture seriesFigure 11. FT/C ratios for mean, time-weighted, median, and maximum concentration, and sediment load with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 12. Total FT and C sediment transport (kg) and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 13. FT and C L2 norms of the section at 0.3L above the outlet and FT/C ratio with flow condition by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 14. FT and C Linf norms of the section at 0.3L above the outlet and FT/C ratio with flow condition by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 15. FT and C L2 norm of the section at 0.7L above the outlet and FT/C ratio with flow condition by slope and soil moisture series Figure 16. FT and C Linf norm of the section at 0.7L above the outlet and FT/C ratio with flow condition by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 17. Average maximum FT and C rill width and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesFigure 18. Average maximum FT and C rill depth and FT/C ratio with flow condition, by slope and soil moisture seriesTable 1. Experimental Conditions by Soil Moisture SeriesTable 3. Mid Soil Moisture CharacterizationTable 4. High Soil Moisture CharacterizationTable 6. Group Averaged Sediment Load SummaryTable 8. Group Averaged 0.7L CrossSection Norm (cm) SummaryTable 10. Approximately Replicated Experimental ConditionsTable 11. Differences in Results of Replicated ExperimentsTable 12. Low Moisture 2-DryLR-04-16