79.3. Which of the following do you consider a threat to your data/systems?
79.3.1. Intrusion from within your organization
79.3.2. Intrusion from other Corps sites
79.3.3. Intrusion from outside the Corps (other DoD, internet...)
79.4. How are passwords handled on your servers?
79.4.1. UPASS
79.4.2. Local district/division policy
79.4.3. Local branch/organization policy
79.4.4. Local machine policy
79.4.5. For your servers
79.4.6. For your client systems
80. Does your organization have any crisis management SOPs in place?
80.1. Disk/computer crashes
80.2. Archive loss (destruction)
80.3. Data alteration or loss
80.4. Viruses
81. Are you satisfied with the security measures your organization has in place?
81.1. Do they hinder your ability to function smoothly?
81.2. Do they provide you with a good feeling about the security of your data and
Miscellaneous questions
82. How many and what types of data formats do you provide to users?
82.1. Local
82.2. External customers
83. Data creation:
83.1. Who creates the data?
83.2. What is their relationship to the people who store the data?
83.3. How is data transferred to online storage?
84. File size:
84.1. How large are your typical datasets?
84.2. Do you store multiple-file datasets in one archive or as separate files?
84.3. Do you provide off-line copies of datasets?
84.3.1. For all datasets?
84.3.2. Only for very large datasets?
85. Data retrieval:
85.1. Who has the right to access online storage?
85.1.1. Data creators
85.1.2. Data owners (if other than creator)
85.1.3. Data maintainers
85.1.4. Customer for whom the data was created
85.1.5. Any customer with a similar need
Organizational questions
86. Who in the organization plans the hardware/software/media/network architecture
for your geospatial data storage/manipulation needs?
87. What is the title/position of the person(s) who requests increases in storage capac-
88. Who makes the final decisions of what will be purchased to increase storage capac-
ity and processing hardware?
89. What is the organizational relationship of these people/groups?
90. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being lowest), how well would you say this system works?