Data sharing
23. How do District personnel find useful data from within the District for their proj-
24. Is there a coordinated data acquisition group?
25. Is there any animosity about data sharing at your District related to the ownership
of the data or fear of misuse?
26. Is file format an obstacle to the sharing of data between branches at your District?
27. What branch/division has primary responsibility for GIS?
28. What branch/division has primary responsibility for CADD?
29. Do territorial disputes hinder potential data-sharing endeavors at your District?
30. Is accuracy of data a big issue at your District?
31. Is there a person or group who is responsible for data, either tasked or ad hoc
Data dictionary
32. Does your District utilize data dictionaries for ease in data sharing?
33. Has your District implemented any of the parts of the Tri-Service Standards?
34. What is the biggest benefit of the Tri-Service Standards to your District?
35. What is the biggest roadblock in full implementation of the Tri-Service Standards?
Active online storage
36. What type of physical media do you use for online storage?
36.1. Single tape
36.2. Robotic tape "farm"
36.3. Hard disk
36.4. CD (CDR)
36.5. CD jukebox
36.6. Other:
37. Do you have an upgrade path for this media in mind?
37.1. If so, what are those plans?
38. What are your storage space needs?
38.1. Current:
38.2. Future incremental (monthly, yearly...)
39. Is there an expansion plan in place or is expansion handled on a crisis basis?
40. How far back do you keep historical data online?
40.1. Is there a cutoff date?
40.2. Do you only keep as much as you can store online?
40.3. Do you back up historical data before deletion?
40.4. Do you keep data forever?
41. What are your typical file sizes?
41.1. Current:
41.2. Future:
42. How quickly do you expect to be able to retrieve online data?
42.1. Immediately upon discovery of need
42.2. Within a few hours
42.3. Within a day
43. What problems do you have with the current active storage arrangements?
44. What successes have you had?