57.3. What interoperability issues do you have?
58. Online storage costs:
What was
In hindsight, rank costs in order
actual cost?
of importance (1 is most important)
Hardware purchase
Software purchase
Software development
Maintenance: personhours
Maintenance: media
Maintenance: hardware
59. How do you offer your data online?
Within your organization
To your customers
Other (specify)
60. Do you have plans to upgrade this mechanism in the future?
61. Do you have a maximum file size for downloadable data? If so, what is it?
62 Is there a standard acceptable download time for data files that your users down-
62.1. What is the maximum time per download that you plan for?
63. Are files downloaded immediately when requested by a user?
63.1. If files are downloaded at a later time, what is time frame for downloading?
64. Do you use a specific application for providing data?
65. How do you index/catalog your data?
66. Are you satisfied with the current methods of serving and storing data?
66.1. What improvements would you make?
67. Describe your current public "best seller"
67.1. Theme
67.2. Size
Network topology
68. Where is your online storage located?
68.1. Onsite
68.2. Off site at a Corps processing center
68.3. Off site on Corpsgeo1
68.4. If off site:
68.4.1. Is this data readily accessible to you?