Backup storage
45. What type of physical media do you use for backup storage?
45.1. Single tape
45.2. Robotic tape "farm"
45.3. Hard disk
45.4. CD (CDR)
45.5. CD jukebox
45.6. Other:
46. Do you have an upgrade path for this media in mind?
46.1. If so, what are those plans?
47. What are your storage space needs?
47.1. Current:
47.2. Future incremental (monthly, yearly...)
48. Is there an expansion plan in place or is expansion handled on a crisis basis?
49. How far back do you keep historical data offline?
49.1. Is there a cutoff date?
49.2. Do you only keep as much as you can store online?
49.3. Do you back up historical data before deletion?
49.4. Do you keep data forever?
50. How quickly do you expect to be able to retrieve backed-up data?
50.1. Immediately upon discovery of need
50.2. Within a few hours
50.3. Within a day
51. What problems do you have with the current backup storage arrangements?
52. What successes have you had?
53. On what type of platform do you store your online data?
Data creation
Data storage
Data serving
Windows (3.1, 3.11)
Windows 95/NT
Other (specify)
54. Do you have an upgrade path planned for these platforms?
54.1. If so, will you upgrade to the same type of hardware or move to another
54.2. What type:
55. What problems do you see with your current hardware platform?
56. What are its strengths?
57. Cross-platform interoperability:
57.1. What types of systems can easily access your data?
57.2. What limits easy access to this data?