a. Debris in pump eye.
Figure 6. Slurry pump eye clogging.
dredge within a matter of minutes. A new
tion by sweeping debris up the grates and cutting
approach was needed that would exclude debris
it at the top. A tapered transition section behind
from the pump but not become clogged with the
the grates smooths the flow of water from a rec-
ubiquitous vegetation.
tangular cross-sectional opening to a 15-cm-
The solution is a cutter and grate system for
diam. hose adapter. Stiff tines are attached to the
the auger head (Fig. 7). The vertical grates are
auger flites to augment maceration of vegetation
attached to the front of the dredge head where the
prior to ingestion.
intake is located. A cutter bar, attached to the cen-
The original system was designed to function
ter of the auger, keeps the grates clear of vegeta-
as a bolt-on assembly for ease of modification
a. Side view of grates with cutter.
b. Debris extracted from gates, with pen
for size comparison
Figure 7. Test cutter and grate system for dredge augerhead intake.