Figure 20. Plankton net used for collecting WP in water transport.
to stakes driven into the gully bottom and ex-
12). These analyses provide data on resuspension
tended down-channel in the direction of ebb (Fig.
of WP by wind, tidal currents and waterfowl ac-
20). A cup at the apex of the net collected the
sediments that were transported into it. Each net
was in place during multiple flooding tides each
Data acquisition record
month (Fig. 21). Sediment was collected follow-
Figure 21 summarizes the periods when vari-
ing each ebb tide during a monitored tidal cycle
ous types of field data were acquired. The mul-
and analyzed by a commercial laboratory for WP
tiple starting dates for acquisition reflect both the
following standard laboratory methods (USEPA
implementation of new methods and expansion
to additional sites in ERF. Gaps in the records of
Sediments collected in sediment traps from
water quality sensors, other than during the win-
transects within C, A, Racine Island, C/D and
Lawson's ponds were also analyzed for WP (Fig.
or disruption by natural processes.