records between distance markers were equal-
General operation
A Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc., SIR Model
ized (i.e., "justified") to compensate for changes
4800 radar control unit, assorted antennas, cables,
in towing speed. Later processing reduced back-
a GSSI DT6000 digital tape recorder, and a power
ground ringing (e.g., from surface meltwater), al-
supply were used in this study. The control unit
leviated overall gain variations resulting from
inconsistent antennaground coupling, and en-
chronized with the receiver), sets the scan rate
hanced vertical resolution using deconvolution.
(rate at which echo scans are compiled, generally
Data were displayed as echo-time-of-return vs.
25.6 scans/s), scan time range and the time range
profile distance using either wiggle trace or line
gain to be applied to the scans. The transmit an-
intensity format. Individual scans are easily re-
tenna radiates a broadband pulse that lasts from
trieved with the software.
only a few to tens of nanoseconds (ns). A sepa-
Data interpretation is generally based on the
rate, identical receive antenna is employed be-
simple echo delay formula
cause echoes can return from near-surface targets
before the transmit antenna has stopped radiat-
d = ct/2n
ing. The received signals are converted by sam-
where d is the depth of a reflector in centimeters, t
ing, amplification and recording.
is the echo time delay in nanoseconds and c is the
speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum (30
cm/ns). The quantity n is often replaced by ε1/2,
Field procedures
where ε is the dielectric constant (approximately
Transects were established along trails in the
Canol Road area and profiled by dragging the
5.36 for frozen alluvium). The factor of 2 in eq
antennas along the ground, about 67 m behind a
A1 accounts for the round-trip propagation path
tracked vehicle. All surveys were done with the
antennas polarized perpendicular to the transect
horizontally flat interfaces extending several in-
direction so that the more intense, but unortho-
dox, H-plane pattern was in the line of the transect.
sources. Equation A1 can be applied to several
Event markers were placed artificially on the
layers successively if n is known for each layer
records at measured intervals, generally every 10
and the delay times to each layer interface are
m. Scan durations were set to encompass the fea-
easily picked off the record. Measurements made
tures of interest, which always occurred within
during the summer, when conditions had re-
the depth of the noise floor visible on the oscillo-
mained dry for over 6 weeks, reveal that a round-
trip propagation time of 100 ns corresponds to a
scope incorporated in the control unit. Generally,
depth of about 6.5 m in permafrost, and 24 ns
we used 500 to 1000 ns for profiles with both the
corresponds to 1 m of surface thaw.
50- and 100-MHz antennas as the deeper sections
Proper translation of echo time of return into
of water beneath permafrost usually occurred be-
depth requires a complicated process known as
tween 400 and 600 ns into the records. Scan dura-
migration. Successful migration requires detailed
tions up to 2000 ns for the 50-MHz antennas were
knowledge of the subsurface velocity structure.
used in areas with much deeper (to 60 m) perma-
Our knowledge of permafrost and thaw velocity
comes from correlations between GPR and bore-
hole data, along with previous studies of refrac-
Data recording
tion in the Canol area. Migration is not necessary
and processing
All data were recorded at a scan rate of 25.6/s,
as they are in this study. In viewing the GPR
and a scan sampling density of 512 or 1024 eight-
profiles it must be remembered that there is a
bit words. The slow dragging speed resulted in a
very large compression in the horizontal direc-
recorded scan about every 4 cm. All data were
stacked five-fold, which marginally affected de-
tail as the stacked horizontal data density was
about one scan per 20 cm. Data recorded when
All antennas used are resistively loaded di-
antenna movement was stalled were deleted from
poles that radiate a pulse containing about 2 to
the total record. After editing, the lengths of the