taminants is controlled locally and varies season-
well. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Pa-
ally, including reversals in transport direction.
per, 544-E.
Although we cannot yet predict the directions
Ecology and Environment (1994) Remedial in-
and rates of ground water movement within the
vestigations report, Operable Unit 3, Fort Wain-
Canol Road area with certainty, continued analy-
wright, Alaska, Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Prepared for
ses of the distribution of frozen and unfrozen
the U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska.
materials that are coupled to flow measurements
Hess, A.E. (1982) A heat pulse flowmeter for mea-
in monitoring wells, including new subpermafrost
suring low velocities in boreholes. U.S. Geologi-
wells, will allow us to develop a much clearer
cal Survey Open File Report, 82-699.
picture of the overall patterns above, within and
Hopkins, D.M., T.N.V. Karlstrom and others
below the permafrost. Moreover, long-term data
(1955) Permafrost and ground water in Alaska.
acquisition will reveal whether flow parameters
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 264-F.
change seasonally or annually, and will give us
King, P.B. (1969) Tectonic map of North America
insight into the dominant aquifer controlling the
(1:5,000,000). U.S. Geological Survey Map.
ground water system of the Canol Road area.
Lawson, D.E., S.A. Arcone, J.C. Strasser, A.
Delaney, C. Williams and D. Albert (1993) Geo-
logical and geophysical analyses of permafrost
and ground water conditions, Fort Wainwright,
Alaska. Progress Report prepared for the U.S.
Ground water flow patterns require further
Army 6th ID and U.S. Army Engineer District,
analysis to define potential contaminant migra-
tion pathways in the discontinuous permafrost
Pw, T.L. (1958) Geologic map of the Fairbanks
within the Tank Farm, Truck Fill Stand and Canol
D-2 Quadrangle, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey
Road areas. Preliminary data are insufficient to
Geology Quadrangle Map GQ-110.
model ground water flow accurately, particularly
Pw, T.L., J.W. Bell, R.B Forbes and F.R. Weber
the role of local (Birch Hill) or subregional aqui-
(1976) Geologic map of the Fairbanks D-2 SE
fers in ground water movement. Monitoring wells
Quadrangle, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Mis-
should be installed in Birch Hill to define the
cellaneous Investigations Series Map I-942.
local hydraulic gradients. Water quality param-
Shannon and Wilson, Inc. (1992) Potential offsite
eters should also be analyzed for wells at various
ground water contaminant migration, west
depths in each aquifer within and external to the
boundary, Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Prepared
study area to further define water sources affect-
for the U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska.
ing site-specific ground water flow. Year-round
Williams, J.R. (1970) Ground water in the perma-
flow system measurements are required to iden-
frost regions of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey
tify seasonal variability in direction and seepage
Professional Paper, 696.
Williams, C.R., J.S. Morse, D.E. Lawson, D.E.
Garfield, J.D. Strasser and T. Tantillo (1995) An
automated monitoring system for site-specific,
in situ ground water flow analyses, Fort Wain-
wright, Alaska. Interim Draft Report for U.S.
Chapman, H.T. and A.E. Robinson (1962) A ther-
Army Alaska, Directorate of Public Works, and
mal flowmeter for measuring velocity of flow in a
U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska.